ATDTDA (5) pp. 145, 771 R L Stevenson similarities

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Mon Apr 2 05:45:30 CDT 2007

It's 3 AM and I'm still not tired. Is it a manic phase?
The full moon? Is this the night Jesus didn't sleep?
Then my loose associations may exceed verifiability,
but this turned up from the web, and I said, it sounds
like the flight from the ravaged city. Maybe they all
would be similar? I skimmed the tale, mundane to
ATD as ATD is to GR, but another segment looked
like Kit's trip in hills to waters on P771. Then I see
Nabakov admired RLS, and I see a dynamiter tale,
but didn't read it. I must convinve myself to sleep.
And I remember posting, in RLS South Seas tale,
in his encounter smoking with the slave, that the
slave was another himself at that metaloia portal.
Like FV and the coolie.

BTW, I'm shadow boxing, making my titles look like yours.
How do we compute the (5.x)?


MONDAY. - It was, if I remember rightly, five o'clock when we were 
all signalled to be present at the Ferry Depot of the railroad.  An 
emigrant ship had arrived at New York on the Saturday night, 
another on the Sunday morning, our own on Sunday afternoon, a 
fourth early on Monday; and as there is no emigrant train on Sunday 
a great part of the passengers from these four ships was 
concentrated on the train by which I was to travel.  There was a 
babel of bewildered men, women, and children.  The wretched little 
booking-office, and the baggage-room, which was not much larger, 
were crowded thick with emigrants, and were heavy and rank with the 
atmosphere of dripping clothes.  Open carts full of bedding stood 
by the half-hour in the rain.  The officials loaded each other with 
recriminations.  A bearded, mildewed little man, whom I take to 
have been an emigrant agent, was all over the place, his mouth full 
of brimstone, blustering and interfering.  It was plain that the 
whole system, if system there was, had utterly broken down under 
the strain of so many passengers.

Our American sunrise had ushered in a noble summer's day. There was not a cloud; 
the sunshine was baking; yet in the woody river valleys among which we wound our 
way, the atmosphere preserved a sparkling freshness till late in the afternoon. 
It had an inland sweetness and variety to one newly from the sea; it smelt of 
woods, rivers, and the delved earth. These, though in so far a country, were 
airs from home. I stood on the platform by the hour; and as I saw, one after 
another, pleasant villages, carts upon the highway and fishers by the stream, 
and heard cockcrows and cheery voices in the distance, and beheld the sun, no 
longer shining blankly on the plains of ocean, but striking among shapely hills 
and his light dispersed and coloured by a thousand accidents of form and 
surface, I began to exult with myself upon this rise in life like a man who had 
come into a rich estate. And when I had asked the name of a river from the 
brakesman, and heard that it was called the Susquehanna, the beauty of the name 
seemed to be part and parcel of the beauty of the land. As when Adam with divine 
fitness named the creatures, so this word Susquehanna was at once accepted by 
the fancy. That was the name, as no other could be, for that shining river and 
desirable valley.

More New Arabian Nights:The Dynamiter (1885); co-written with Fanny Van De Grift 
The Dynamiter  
Table of contents 
Letter to Cole and Cox  
Prologue of the Cigar Divan  
Challoner's Adventure: The Squire of Dames  
Story of the Destroying Angel  
The Squire of Dames - Concluded  
Somerset's Adventure: The Superfluous Mansion  
Narrative of the Spirited Old Lady  
The Superfluous Mansion - Continued  
Zero's Tale of the Explosive Bomb  
The Superfluous Mansion - Continued  
Desborough's Adventure - The Brown Box  
Story of the Fair Cuban  
The Brown Box - Concluded  
The Superfluous Mansion - Concluded  
Epilogue of the Cigar Divan

NP: prophet gets UFO to appear for film crew:

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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