Grand Cohen
robinlandseadel at
robinlandseadel at
Sun Apr 8 08:51:09 CDT 2007
Googled "Grand Cohen":
"Maybe thatll be a topic for a future
post: Dating Secrets of the Quantum
Complexity Theorists.
Googled "Grand Cohen Qabalah"
42. We now come to the consideration of the first
Sephira, or the Number One, the Monad of Pythagoras.
In this number are the other nine hidden. It is indivisible,
it is also incapable of multiplication; divide 1 by itself
and it still remains 1 multiply I by itself and it is still 1 and
unchanged. Thus it is a fitting representative of the
great unchangeable Father of all. Now this number of
unity has a twofold nature, and thus forms, as it were,
the link between the negative and the positive. In its
unchangeable one-ness it is scarcely a number; but
in its property of capability of addition it may be called
the first number of a numerical series. Now, the zero, 0,
is incapable even of addition, just as also is negative
existence. How, then, if I can neither be multiplied nor
divided, is another 1 to be obtained to add to it; in other
words, how is the number 2 to be found? By reflection
of itself. For though 0 be incapable of definition, 1 is
definable. And the effect of a definition is to form an
Eidolon, duplicate, or image, of the thing defined.
Thus, then, we obtain a duad composed of 1 and
its reflection. Now also we have the commencement
of a vibration established, for the number 1 vibrates
alternately from changelessness to definition, and
back to changelessness again. Thus, then is it the
father of all numbers, and a fitting type of the Father
of all things.
The name of the first Sephira is KThR, Kether, the Crown.
There's tonnes more on this site for the "Golden Dawn", plenty of background
detail for those desiring to investigate the historical background of the
Googled: "Grand Cohen Kabbalah"
The appearance of Martinez Pasquales upon the
scene of French "Initiation" was like that of many
of his contemporaries: mysterious, of unknown
origin, filled with claims of supernatural contacts,
and filled with Cabalistic signs and symbols.
Unlike many of his contemporaries, however,
Pasquales' influence would be a lasting one,
and his system of magic, restoration, and angelic
communications was unique. Nothing of its kind
had been revealed to the world since the writings
of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelly, and while definitively
Christian-Cabalistic in nature, nothing equal to it
has been delivered since. This is not to say that
all other systems are inferior to Pasquales (or
even Dee), only that such uniqueness in thought
and form comes around only rarely.
Born in Grenoble, of Spanish descent, Martines
Pasquales received his authority to transmit the
ancient teachings from his father, who was
granted a Masonic charter from Charles Stuart,
"King of Scotland, Ireland, and England," dated
May, 20, 1738. The power and authority of this
charter was transmissible upon death of the holder.
As a result, Martines created a movement of
distinct masonic character, open only to Master
Masons, and named it: Order of Knight Mason,
Elect Priests of the Universe, or Elus Cohen (Elect Priests).
While Pasquales' spiritual mission' officially began
around 1758, he did create a masonic chapter in
Montpellier four years earlier. It was a year later,
in 1755, that the Elect Priests were officially founded
in Bordeaux. Paris was the site of the ventual
Sovereign Tribunal in 1766, which had among its
members several prominent masons of the period.
Avignon, Montpellier, Metz, La Rochelle, Versailles,
and Lyon were all sites of future Lodges of the
Order of Elus Cohen.
What made the Elus Cohen distinct from the
masonic organizations it drew its membership
from, was its emphasis on ceremonial magic, or
theurqy, for the 'Reintegration' of humanity. The
Martinist doctrine of Pasquales focused around
the 'Fall of Man' and its rectification. It's
fundamental tenants were:
Archetypal Man, or Adam Kadom, was emanated
from God, and originally dwelt on a high spiritual plane.
Through abuse of his 'free will' Adam Kadom 'fell'.
This originally unified being shattered into the many
individual souls that now exist.The goal of humanity is
to reintegrate itself with the original archetype, thus
achieving unity.
The Order of Elect Priests was divided into three
principle parts, completed by the secret grade of
"Reau+Croix". The first group was composed of those
who went through the first three degrees of Craft
Masonry, with a complementary degree following;
the second group contained the 'Porch Degrees" of
Cohen-Apprentice, Fellow-Cohen, and Master
Cohen; the third group was the Temple Degrees of:
Grand Master Elect Cohen, Grand Architect of
Chevalier (Knight) d'Orient, and Grand Elu de Zorobabel.
This is another particularly rich site, full of historical info on the
development of kabbalah.
Googled: "Grand Cohen Tarot"
Neville and Nigel bring Basnight to the T.W.I.T.
sanctuary to be initiated into the Order. There,
he meets Nicholas Nookshaft, Grand Cohen of
the London chapter of T.W.I.T. Mr. Nookshaft
goes on to explain the ex detective that, when
he jumped into the explosion, he was transported
to another dimension, a Lateral-world which was
connected to this other one by the explosion
(page 211) and also with Yashmeen Halfcourt,
a striking young woman who is in Britain under
the protection of T.W.I.T; her guardian,
Lieutenant-Colonel G. Auberon Halfcourt, is
working for the Political Department somewhere
in Inner Asia and young Yashmeen well being
could be used against him at any moment.
this section of chumpsofchoice.blogspot is quite useful for where the group
discussion is right now:
He continues with a story about one of the
"queer characters" he encountered while
exploring in Eastern Africa, one Yitzhak
Zilberfeld, "out traveling in the world scouting
possibilities for a Jewish homeland." A
discussion of Home and Zionism devolves
into a Borscht Belt comedy routine when
they're charged by an elephant and Fleetwood
delivers the "Depends upon how much he's
charging -- try to talk him down a little?"
punchline while Yitzhak cries "Anti-Semitic!"
All ends well, however, with a local paper
trumpeting the news, "SAVES JEW FROM
INSANE ELEPHANT." Zilberfeld tells Fleetwood
that South Africa is the place to make a fortune.
"There's fifty-thousand Chinese coolies all lined
up, sleeping on the docks from Tientsin to Hong
Kong, waiting to be shipped into the Transvaal
the minute the shooting [from the Boer War]
stops..." This leads to an offstage outburst from
Scarsdale Vibe who is "mouth-foaming" because
"This money is coming from nowhere."
. . . .and somewhere around here, I'm detecting the "unseen hand" of
some sort of early 1900's "Fiscal Illuminati" consorting together in Africa
* Sir Cecil Rhoads; who had connections to high level
Freemasonry, was the founder of the De Beers
diamond mining corporation & the Rhodes scholarship,
also founded the Round Table Group in London in the
late 1800s. The group was created as way of preserving
and advancing the interests of the British Empire worldwide.
They function as a collection of small discussion groups,
one in every major capitol city, answerable only to a head
quarters in London. Each group functioned and still
functions today very much in secret. Powerful figures in
international politics, finance, media and commerce,
such as representatives from the Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan
and Rothschild families are said to hold membership,
giving the society potentially enormous power. It is also
said that the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome are all fronts
for this group, whose ultimate aim is the creation of a
sinister New World Order state. Some say that it itself
is a front for the Bavarian Illuminati.*
While I won't make any claims as to the veracity of the whole
"Fiscal Illumanati" conspiracy theory, [or this website] I'm sure
Pynchon has been blending that theme into the mix all along,
true or not [and more likely than not, the contents of the
previous website are true anyway].
It has been claimed that Dr. Weishaupt was an atheist,
a Cabalistic magician, a rationalist, a mystic; a
democrat, a socialist, an anarchist, a fascist; a
Machiavellian amoralist, an alchemist, a totalitarian
and an "enthusiastic philanthropist." (The last was the
verdict of Thomas Jefferson, by the way.) The Illuminati
have also been credited with managing the French and
American revolutions behind the scenes, taking over
the world, being the brains behind Communism,
continuing underground up to the 1970s, secretly
worshipping the Devil, and mopery with intent to gawk.
Some claim that Weishaupt didn't even invent the
Illuminati, but only revived it. The Order of Illuminati
has been traced back to the Knights Templar, to the
Greek and Gnostic initiatory cults, to Egypt, even to
Atlantis. The one safe generalization one can make
is that Weishaupt's intent to maintain secrecy has
worked; no two students of Illuminology have ever
agreed totally about what the "inner secret" or
purpose of the Order actually was (or is . . .). There
is endless room for spooky speculation, and for
pedantic paranoia, once one really gets into the
literature of the subject; and there has been a
wave of sensational "ex-poses" of the Illuminati
every generation since 1776. If you were to
believe all this sensational literature, the damned
Bavarian conspirators were responsible for
everything wrong with the world, including the
energy crises and the fact that you can't even
get a plumber on weekends. (pp. 3-4)
Of course, the late , great RAW didn't realize at the time that, in fact,
the damned Bavarian conspirators were responsible for everything
wrong with the world, including the energy crises.
If my obviously overheated imagination appears to veering
off the rails in a traverse fashion, put on your Polaroid
sunglasses and consider the following:
I was also able to steal, or let us say "derive," in
more subtle ways. I had grown up reading a lot of
spy fiction, novels of intrigue, notably those of
John Buchan. The only book of his that anyone
remembers now is The Thirty-nine Steps, but he
wrote a half dozen more just as good or better.
They were all in my hometown library. So were E,
Phillips Oppenheim, Helen MacInnes, Geoffrey
Household, and many others as well. The net
effect was eventually to build up in my uncritical
brain a peculiar shadowy vision of history
preceding the two world wars. Political
decision-making and official documents did not
figure in this nearly as much as lurking, spying,
false identities, psychological games. Much later
I got around to two other mighty influences,
Edmund Wilson's To the Finland Station and
Machiavelli's The Prince, which helped me to
develop the interesting question underlying the
story --- is history personal or statistical? My
reading at the time also included many Victorians,
allowing World War I in my imagination to assume
the shape of that attractive nuisance so dear to
adolescent minds, the apocalyptic showdown.
Slow Learner, pg 18
Of course, Pynchon never met a pun he didn't like. Or use.
Googled: "Koan"
26. Trading Dialogue for Lodging
Provided he makes and wins an argument about
Buddhism with those who live there, any wondering
monk can remain in a Zen temple. If he is defeated,
he has to move on.
In a temple in the northern part of Japan two brother
monks were dwelling together. The elder one was
learned, but the younger one was stupid and had
but one eye.
A wandering monk came and asked for lodging,
properly challenging them to a debate about the
sublime teachings. The elder brother, tired that
day from much studying, told the younger one to
take his place. "Go and request the dialogue in
silence," he cautioned.
So the young monk and the stranger went to the
shrine and sat down.
Shortly afterwards the traveler rose and went in to
the elder brother and said: "Your young brother is
a wonderful fellow. He defeated me."
"Relate the dialogue to me," said the elder one.
"Well," explained the traveler, "first I held up one
finger, representing Buddha, the enlightened one.
So he held up two fingers, signifying Buddha and
his teaching. I held up three fingers, representing
Buddha, his teaching, and his followers, living the
harmonious life. Then he shook his clenched fist
in my face, indicating that all three come from
one realization. Thus he won and so I have no
right to remain here." With this, the traveler left.
"Where is that fellow?" asked the younger one,
running in to his elder brother.
"I understand you won the debate."
"Won nothing. I'm going to beat him up."
"Tell me the subject of the debate," asked the
elder one.
"Why, the minute he saw me he held up one finger,
insulting me by insinuating that I have only one eye.
Since he was a stranger I thought I would be polite
to him, so I held up two fingers, congratulating him
that he has two eyes. Then the impolite wretch held
up three fingers, suggesting that between us we
only have three eyes. So I got mad and started to
punch him, but he ran out and that ended it!"
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