ATDTDA: That graceful ending

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Thu Apr 19 13:27:42 CDT 2007

  Here's a suggestion.......I think TRP might be suggesting BOTH your reading, the Chums happy bourgeois life now and happy 'flight'.........the 'happy' between the wars interregnum Before the screaming comes across the sky again......that we have heard before.........
  a kind of bi-location to their/our all the way.......
  Mark K.

robinlandseadel at wrote:
I agree that to call the end of ATD "the
loveliest happy end in modern literature" 
is to take the surface meaning of the 
words at face value -- never a good idea 
with TRP. . . .

Good call, real good call. At the same time, I see the Anarchist balloon taking off, the Chums growing in their ever expanding definitions of freedom and responsibility, hanging with the crew and catching a few "rays' and I just wanna take off with them, smoked goggles be damned. The last two pages make me cry, and it's not out of sadness. It's flying into the light. It's illumination.

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