Tarot towers and 9/11 prophecy
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 20 09:09:04 CDT 2007
A 9/11 WTC prophecy could have to do with the last line of AtD.
It is the epochal benchmark in Revelation; Prophecied in Dante's
Inferno, just before Paradisio. Prophecied by Crowley, and much
in Masonic symbolism linked below. Now prophecied in GR & ATD?
While I was surfing the hanged man, this very interesting video
link was posted to the watchman-seers-usa at yahoogroups.com list:
> The Author of this video follows Aliester Crowleys teachings.
> This video shows the magical side of the dollar bill and that
> 9-11 was preplanned long ago to bring us into a New World Order.
I surfed the original site, and find the argument compelling,
that the pyramid/eagle symbols reflect Tarot Tower/Lightning,
which both foresee 9/11 WTC. They match an Eagle/Tree-rending
9/11 prophetic symbolism that I say is in Dante's final cantos
of Inferno, in the "Triumphal Chariot" divine vision segment.
Like Crowley, he actually makes the new world order sound good.
-- http://911prophecy.com/index.htm
The sequential pattern depicting the destruction of the World Trade Towers
on the $5-$100 American bills was prophesized in 1904 by magician and yogi
-- http://911prophecy.com/index.htm
The verification of viewing the folded pattern in American Currency is simple,
natural unique and unmistakably produces a sequence of images that appear to
look like the World Trade Tower destruction. Furthermore, the definitions
applied to each word are straightforward, adding to the simplicity of the
-- http://911prophecy.com/Chapters/Criteria/Criteria.htm
Verse 73 was broken down in detail in the 911 Origami Chapter. From
Crowley's lack of commentary it can be seen that he did not understand the
meaning of verse 73. The sheets can represent both American banking sheets and
the World Trade Towers. The paste means to fasten together or to bomb the world
trade towers. From right to left and from top to bottom describes the way
that the trade towers were hit and how they fell. The first trade tower was hit
from the right side if a person was viewing the tragedy through the Washington
arch. The second plane hit from the left side. The towers crumbled from the top
to the bottom.
-- http://911prophecy.com/Chapters/The%20911%20Prophecy/the%20911%20origami%20prophecy.htm
The many religions of the world have all lost their power to guide chiefly-
because the development of means of transport and of international commerce
have convinced the educated that anyone religion is about as good or as bad as
another for the purposes of social discipline, and that none has any validity
£from the standpoint of actual fact, or historical or philosophical truth.
-- http://911prophecy.com/WRITINGS/THE%20BEG%20OF%20NEW%20WORLD.htm
The Freedom Tower Meditation is a variation of the Middle Pillar Meditation
as taught by Israel Regardie and thousands of homeopathic healers today.
General Tarot resource discoveries.
Tarot Introduction: De Rigeur! Req'd reading. Smooth. Integrative.
Deep and wide, beyond skimming.
Broad, full sentences.
Kuntz introduces John O'Neill (1837-1895) who believed among other things that
... the primordial tradition ran on a North-South axis from the Northern Pole
and not on a East-West axis as traditionally taught.
-- http://www.supertarot.co.uk/thoth/papcrow.htm
Wow. Skimmable and engaging. Lots of person/art/lit/movie/life references.
Author appears to be a well-re-integrated post-schizoaffective-disorder:
The Empress sits at the counter and orders a big banana split in front of
everyone; the High Priestess smoulders in a booth with a tablespoonful of
cottage cheese and a cling peach half on a lettuce leaf.
-- http://www.notsoswift.com/amindandacard/trinitydoughnuts/
Celtic/Norse symbols:
The HANGED MAN (Redrawn for the New Edition) Norse God Odin/Woden hangs from the
World Tree, Yggdrasil, co-weaving with the three Norns (Past, Present and
Future) below Him the Rune of Gebo/Gifu - X - representing Sacrifice and the
Gift. This is also the X-roads of the Lemniscate (infinity symbol) through which
the tarot trumps twist and turn. The Well of Mimir/reMembrance below the Tree is
formed by the coils of the World Serpent Jormungandr, whose body contains the
runes or glyphs which Odin sees after his ordeal (9 days & 9 nights) upon the
Tree, whose axis mundi trunk the great Dragon of Kundalini also winds up,
caduceus-like. Thus the Well of Wyrd (Fate) is also the Wheel of Wyrd
-- http://www.crossroads.wild.net.au/tarot.htm
The Lovers - a man lies on top of a woman, both are naked, visable are the man's
buttocks and one of the woman's nipples The Hanged Man - bound and gagged a man
hangs upsidedown from a tree, he is naked and his scrotum and penis are clearly
visable Cernunnos (|the Devil|) - the same couple from the Lovers card is seen
sleeping in the woods, still naked, her breasts are visable The Star - a naked
woman stands in a stream, breasts are clearly visable, no detail beyond a pubic
mound is viable below Rebirth (|Judgement|) - a naked child, clearly male, exits
from a tomb The World - naked woman with breasts clearly visable
-- http://2witchesblog.wordpress.com/2006/06/19/druid-craft-tarot-1-card-draw-reading-1/
And tantalizing lines from the beast's own mouth...
We may summarize this thesis by saying that Alchemy includes as many possible
operations as there are original ideas inherent in nature. Alchemy resembles
evocation in its selection of appropriate material bases for the manifestation
of the Will; but differs from it in proceeding without personification, or the
intervention of alien planes.<<Some alchemists may object to this statement. I
prefer to express no final opinion on the matter.>> It may be more closely
compared with Initiation; for the effective element of the Product is of the
essence of its own nature, and inherent therein; the Work similarly consists in
isolating it from its accretions. Now just as the Aspirant, on the Threshold of
Initiation, finds himself assailed by the "complexes" which have corrupted him,
their externalization excruciating him, and his agonized reluctance to their
elimination plunging him into such ordeals that he seems (both to himself and to
others) to have turned from a noble and upright man into an unutterable
scoundrel; so does the "First Matter" blacken and putrefy as the Alchemist
breaks up its coagulations of impurity. The
-- http://www.morgane.org/Theleme/l004.txt
The Oracles of Zoroaster utter this: "And when, by often invoking, all the
phantasms are vanished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire
which darts and flashes through all the Depths of the Universe; hear thou the
Voice of the Fire! "A similar Fire flashingly extending through the rushings of
Air, or a Fire formless whence cometh the Image of a voice, or even a flashing
Light abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud. Also there is the
vision of the fire-flashing Courser of Light, or also a Child, borne aloft on
the shoulders of the Celestial Steed, fiery, or clothed with gold, or naked, or
shooting with the bow shafts or light, and standing on the shoulders of the
horse, then if thy meditation prolongeth itself, thou shalt unite all these
symbols into the form of a Lion." This passage --- combined with several others
--- is paraphased in poetry by Aleister Crowley in his "Tannhauser". "And when,
"invoking often," thou shalt see That formless Fire; when all the earth is
shaken, The stars abide not, and the moon is gone, All Time crushed back into
Eternity, The Universe by earthquake overtaken; Light is not, and the thunders
roll, The World is done: When in the darkness Chaos rolls again In the excited
brain: Then, O then call not to thy view that visible Image of Nature; fatal is
her name! It fitteth not thy Body to behold That living light of Hell, The
unluminous, dead flame, Until that body from the crucible Hath passed, pure
gold! For, from the confines of material space, The twilight-moving place, The
gates of matter, and the dark threshold, Before the faces of the Things that
dwell In the Abodes of Night, Spring into sight Demons, dog-faced, that show no
mortal sign Of Truth, but desecrate the Light Divine, Seducing from the sacred
mysteries. But, after all these Folk of Fear are driven Before the avenging
levin That rives the opening skies, Behold that formless and that Holy Flame
{292} That hath no name; The Fire that darts and flashes, writhes and creeps
Snake-wise in royal robe Wound round that vanished glory of the globe, Unto that
sky beyond the starry deeps, Beyond the Toils of Time, --- then formulate In
thine own mind, luminous, concentrate, The Lion of the Light, a child that
stands On the vast shoulders of the Steed of God: Or winged, or shooting flying
shafts, or shod With the flame-sandals. Then, lift up thine hands! Centre thee
in thine heart one scarlet thought Limpid with brilliance of the Light above!
Drawn into naught All life, death, hatred, love: All self concentred in the sole
desire --- Hear thou the Voice of Fire!"
-- http://www.morgane.org/Theleme/l004.txt
Bacchus, divine and human! Bacchus, begotten on Semele of Zeus, the adulterous
Lord of Thunder ravishing, brutally, his virginal victim! Bacchus, babe hidden
from hate in the most holy of holies, the secret of thy sire, in the Channel of
the Star-Spate, Whereof one Serpent is thy soul! Bacchus, twy-formed, man-woman,
Bacchus, whose innocence tames the Tiger, while yet thy horns drip blood upon
thy mouth, and sharpen the merriment of wine to the madness of murder! Bacchus,
Thy thyrsus oozes sap; thine ivy clings to it; thy Lion-skin slips from thy
sleek shoulders, slips from thy lissome loins; drunk on delight of the godly
grape, thou knowest no more the burden of the body and the vexation of the
spirit. Come, Bacchus, come thou hither, come out of the East; come out of the
East, astride the Ass of Priapus! Come with thy revel of dancers and singers!
Who followeth thee, forbearing to laugh and to leap? Come, in thy name Dionysus,
that maidens be mated to God-head! Come, in thy name Iacchus, with thy mystical
fan to winnow the air, each gust of thy Spirit inspiring our Soul, that we bear
to thee Sons in Thine Image! Verily and Amen! Let not the Magician forget for a
single second what is his one sole business.
-- http://www.morgane.org/Theleme/l004.txt
Huge boring book on Monarch mind control program:
Finally, a traitor's death as pictured on one of the Tarot cards is waiting.
Sharon Tate was left hanging in the No. 12 Tarot Card's "hangman position" from
the house rafters.
-- http://www.whale.to/b/sp/for1.html
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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