Tarot towers and 9/11 prophecy

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 20 11:32:33 CDT 2007

By mid-September, 2001, every school kid seemed to know the folded $20 bill trick.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Glenn Scheper <glenn_scheper at earthlink.net>

>The sequential pattern depicting the destruction of the World Trade Towers 
>on the $5-$100 American bills was prophesized in 1904 by magician and yogi 
>  -- http://911prophecy.com/index.htm
>The verification of viewing the folded pattern in American Currency is simple, 
>natural unique and unmistakably produces a sequence of images that appear to 
>look like the World Trade Tower destruction. Furthermore, the definitions 
>applied to each word are straightforward, adding to the simplicity of the 
>  -- http://911prophecy.com/Chapters/Criteria/Criteria.htm

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