Inspired by

Ya Sam takoitov at
Sat Apr 21 07:05:38 CDT 2007

'But I was still intimidated by the professor's pronouncement when, years 
later, I first tried my hand at writing a novel whose action took place in a 
period before the very recent past. I might never have even dared to do so 
had I not been inspired by several great examples of the art: Thomas Mann's 
Lotte in Weimar, John Fowles's The French Lieutenant's Woman, EL Doctorow's 
Ragtime, John Barth's The Sot-Weed Factor and Thomas Pynchon's epic about 
the Enlightenment, science and obsession, Mason & Dixon. All these novels 
indulge in the great game of narrating the past afresh and of diverging from 
the official version of the past offered by historians into the realm of 
invented reality.',,2061351,00.html

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