Mexico, Roger that

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Mon Apr 23 19:47:43 CDT 2007

> were folks aware that a section of Auschwitz was called 'Mexico'?


In the last phase of the war, when the armament industry required more
and more slave workers, the deportees kept alive because they still
were able to work, were transferred into a part of the camp which was
called "Mexico".

This section of Auschwitz-Birkenau was not completely finished. The
inmates waited for a further transport to one of the labour camps.
Since they should not remain in Auschwitz, they did not receive a
prisoner's number typical for Auschwitz.

In this new camp section, the indescribable conditions which had such
horrible consequences in the Birkenau women's camp and the gypsy camp,
went on just the same. The lack of even the most primitive hygienic
installations, the absence of water caused a high rate of mortality.

In the camp jargon, the new section was called "Mexico". The inmates
neither had prisoners clothes nor blankets. They received blankets of
different colours and styles from the stock-camp section "Canada",
where all goods of the deportees were collected. Covered with all
these blankets, the prisoners in that camp section appeared like

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