ATDTDA (7): Mr Kindred, 194

kelber at kelber at
Wed Apr 25 13:55:13 CDT 2007

The two people missing from the scene are Scarsdale the murderer and Webb the victim.


-----Original Message-----
>From: robinlandseadel at
>Sent: Apr 25, 2007 2:38 PM
>To: pynchon-l at
>Subject: ATDTDA (7): Mr Kindred, 194
>          Paul Nightingale :
>          The conversation between Deuce and "the company rep"
>          (194) is also predicated on the sense that any witness
>          shouldn't be offered incriminating evidence: from the
>          rep's pov this includes Deuce himself, but it also
>          implicitly includes a reader/voyeur. As Peter has
>          suggested, the writing in these pagess is indeed
>          cinematic, and here we have another Metzian moment in
>          which the reader identifies with the camera, so to
>          speak.
>Coppola's "Apocalypse Now" came to mine, plausible deniability, no fingerprints from the sources, no way to point away from the triggerman. Of course, were're looking at kinds of services offered by "Intel" ops., right? And the Chums of Chance are, after all, one of them vital tools for Intellegence operations.

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