ATDTDA (7): Mr Kindred, 194

Keith keithsz at
Thu Apr 26 21:06:59 CDT 2007

The moniker "Mr. Kindred" is refelctive of the professional,  
emotionally detached business arrangement between addresser and  
addressee. In a couple of pages the difference between Deuce's  
imagined professional self-perception and Webb's half-conscious  
paternal perception is elucidated, with Deuce being conscious (and  
perpetuative) of the latter.(196) Later, in Deuce's imaginary dialog  
between the rep and his partner in crime, the rep refers to Sloat as  
"Mr. Fresno." (272) In the Deuce/Sloat/Lake/Webb/Rep quintessence the  
reader is privy to an unusually detailed account of the characters'  
imaginings and how these private perceptions play out in the web of  
murder, deception, betrayal, revenge and other manners of intercourse  
among them.

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