Fw: A.Word.A.Day--incommode

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at comcast.net
Tue Aug 7 05:00:09 CDT 2007

With reference to ATD:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wordsmith" <wsmith at wordsmith.org>
To: <linguaphile at wordsmith.org>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 11:03 PM
Subject: A.Word.A.Day--incommode

> This week's theme: red-herring words.
> incommode (in-kuh-MOD) verb tr.
>   To inconvenience.
> [From Latin incommodus (inconvenient), ultimately from the Indo-European
> root med- (to take appropriate measures) that is also the source of
> medicine, modern, modify, modest, and modulate.]
> Today's word in Visual Thesaurus: http://visualthesaurus.com/?w1=incommode
> -Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
>  "CCTV cameras are regrettable exigencies in unstable times. The only
>   innocent people they incommode are the poor devils who have to sift
>   through the footage."
>   Howard Jacobson; Thanks to New Labour, We Can Say Goodbye to Our
>   Civil Liberties -- and Polish Potatoes; The Independent (London, UK);
>   Jun 16, 2007.
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> ............................................................................
> Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is 
> supposed
> to be doing at that moment. -Robert Benchley
> Share the magic of words. Send a gift sub: 
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> Pronunciation:
> http://wordsmith.org/words/incommode.wav
> http://wordsmith.org/words/incommode.ram
> Permalink: http://wordsmith.org/words/incommode.html
> This message was sent to "Dedalus204 at comcast.net". 

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