August 2007 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Aug 1 00:42:11 CDT 2007
Ending: Fri Aug 31 17:03:32 CDT 2007
Messages: 675
Thomas Eckhardt
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Brent Edwards
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Robert Mahnke
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
David Morris
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Richard Ryan
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
kelber at
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
mikebailey at
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Expletive Deleted
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
David Morris
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Richard Ryan
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Joe Allonby
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Dave Monroe
- 'Spook Country,' a novel by William Gibson
Dave Monroe
- 'We have broken the speed of light'
Dave Monroe
- 1873 Monocycle Replica
David Morris
- : Re: ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
mikebailey at
- : Re: ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
robinlandseadel at
- : Re: ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
Monte Davis
- Adobe HQ puzzle solved
- Adobe HQ puzzle solved
- Adobe HQ puzzle solved
Mark Kohut
- Adobe HQ puzzle solved
Dave Monroe
- Adobe HQ puzzle solved
Dave Monroe
- Adobe HQ puzzle solved
Dave Monroe
- aesop rock
giarc iksoknihcram
- Against This Day, 1885
- Al-Jazari Automaton
Ya Sam
- All This and World War II - theatrical trailer
Werner Presber
- Another CL49 'sighting' ...
Paul Nightingale
- Another CL49 'sighting' ...
Dave Monroe
- Another GR Blog-Crit
- Another GR Blog-Crit
robinlandseadel at
- Apocrypha Now!
Dave Monroe
- AtD, 538 (last three lines)//:: German philosophy
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- AtD, 538 (last three lines)//:: German philosophy
Mark Kohut
- AtD, 538 (last three lines)//:: German philosophy
David Morris
- AtD, 538 (last three lines)//:: German philosophy
Paul Mackin
- AtD, 546f: Nie wieder Pommes rot/weiß?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Re: AtD, 546f: Nie wieder Pommes rot/weiß?
- AtD - catching up
- ATD 16, 436 + redux
Mark Kohut
- ATD 16, p 437...Manicheans....and light
Mark Kohut
- AtD 16, pages 437+
Mark Kohut
- AtD 16, pages 437+
David Payne
- AtDDtA(15) 415: the end of the capitalistic experiment
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): "'Pee-culiar Goings-On'"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): "'Pee-culiar Goings-On'"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): "'Pee-culiar Goings-On'"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): "Physical Education"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Desktop Chaotically Littered
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Desktop Chaotically Littered
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
kelber at
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Alonzo R. Meatman
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Momentary Vision
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Momentary Vision
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Momentary Vision
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Neuroptahy Had Taken Hold
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Particularly Low and Disreputable Haunt
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
David Morris
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): A Perfect Record of Doing as You are Told
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): As If in a Dream
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): As If in a Dream
grladams at
- AtDDtA(15): As If in a Dream
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): As If in a Dream
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): As If in a Dream
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Space No Longer Entirely Readable
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): A Strange Magenta-and-Green Aura
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Strange Magenta-and-Green Aura
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Strange Magenta-and-Green Aura
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): A Strange Magenta-and-Green Aura
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): A Strange Magenta-and-Green Aura
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Does a Dog Posess the Buddha Nature?
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Even if What You Say's True
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Even if What You Say's True
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Monte Davis
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Fragments of Window-Glass Sparkled in the Dim Light
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
kelber at
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
David Morris
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): Hypopsammotic Survival Apparatus
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Hypopsammotic Survival Apparatus
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Imum Coeli
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Imum Coeli
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): Intermission
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Into the Next Dimension
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Into the Next Dimension
- AtDDtA(15): Into the Next Dimension
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Into the Next Dimension
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Intro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Intro
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Nasotemporal Transit
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Nasotemporal Transit
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): Nasotemporal Transit
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Nasotemporal Transit
- AtDDtA(15): Nasotemporal Transit
- AtDDtA(15): Nasotemporal Transit
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): On the Move Again
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Outro
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(15): Psychically Interfered With
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Smegmo
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Sophomoric Slogs through Endless Quagmires of the Metaphysical
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Technical Difficulties
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Technical Difficulties
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(15): Technical Difficulties
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The "Old Man"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Ball in Hand
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The End of the Capitalistic Experiment
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The First International Conference on Time-Travel
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The First International Conference on Time-Travel
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The First International Conference on Time-Travel
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): The First International Conference on Time-Travel
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The First International Conference on Time-Travel
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): The Intricacies of Greed
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Intricacies of Greed
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): The Lycopodium Type
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Lycopodium Type
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Marching Academy Harmonica Band
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Marching Academy Harmonica Band
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): The Now-Famous Yearly Candlebrow Conferences
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Now-Famous Yearly Candlebrow Conferences
kelber at
- AtDDtA(15): The Now-Famous Yearly Candlebrow Conferences
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Old Stearinery Bell Tower
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Practice of Boys Informing on other Boys
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Practice of Boys Informing on other Boys
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Practice of Boys Informing on other Boys
Glenn Scheper
- AtDDtA(15): There's a Million Uses for Smegmo!
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): There's a Million Uses for Smegmo!
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): There's a Million Uses for Smegmo!
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): The Scientific Officer's Discretionary Clause
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Structures They Remembered
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Structures They Remembered
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): The Structures They Remembered
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): The Structures They Remembered
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): They ... They ...
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
Monte Davis
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): Uproar
David Morris
- AtDDtA(15): Walloping Wellesianism!
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
David Payne
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
grladams at
- AtDDtA(15): What if They Weren't Harmonica Players?
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(15): You are Directed to Set Course Immediately
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16):
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(16):
kelber at
- AtDDtA(16):
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Now, Set the Special Desert Detail"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): "Now, Set the Special Desert Detail"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Now, Set the Special Desert Detail"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Now, Set the Special Desert Detail"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Now, Set the Special Desert Detail"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Now, Set the Special Desert Detail"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Now Light all Cruising-Lamps"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): "Now Light all Cruising-Lamps"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): "Turkish Corner"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): "Turkish Corner"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "Turkish Corner"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): "Turkish Corner"
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): "We Have Messages for You"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): "We Have Messages for You"
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): An Unavoidable Military Element
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): A Secret Determinant of History
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): A Seventeen-Syllable All-Purpose Threat of Physical Violence
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): Bilocations
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): Cont'd ...
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): If any Sinister Meaning was Hidden Here
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): Intermission
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): Intermission
kelber at
- AtDDtA(16): Intermission
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): Into the Map
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): Intro
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA (16): Intro
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA(16): Passing the torch ...
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Fatal Word
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Fatal Word
kelber at
- AtDDtA(16): The Fatal Word
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Fatal Word
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDDtA(16): The Fatal Word
Ya Sam
- AtDDtA(16): The Fatal Word
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
mikebailey at
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
Mark Kohut
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
kelber at
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
David Morris
- AtDDtA(16): The Histrionic yet Unprofitable
Glenn Scheper
- AtDDtA(16): The Navigation Room
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Subarenaceous World
Dave Monroe
- AtDDtA(16): The Subarenaceous World--the blade view
grladams at
- AtDDtA(16): The Subarenaceous World--the blade view
David Morris
- AtDDtA1: "The Great Bovine City of the World"
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (13): Translations, 374-376
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): A little ramshackle for a time machine, 401-405
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): A little ramshackle for a time machine, 401-405
kelber at
- ATDTDA (14): A little ramshackle for a time machine, 401-405
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (14): A little ramshackle for a time machine, 401-405
kelber at
- ATDTDA (14): All for me, huh, 383-385
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Back on the Other Side, 376-383
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Back on the Other Side, 376-383
kelber at
- ATDTDA (14): Back on the Other Side, 376-383
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Back on the Other Side, 376-383
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14): But they're gone now, 385-391
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Eehhnnyyhh, 397-401
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Eehhnnyyhh, 397-401
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Frank, who had never flown before, 392-394
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Frank, who had never flown before, 392-394
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (14): It came to pass, 394-396
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Look into it, see things, 391-392
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14): Strawberries, 376
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (14) a few more details
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) p 398
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
David Morris
- ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
- ATDTDA (14) p 399
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) p 400-401
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) p 400-401
kelber at
- ATDTDA (14) p 403-405
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) p 403-405
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (14) p 403-405
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (14) pp 401-402
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) references p 386 - not quite _that_ straightforward of a page
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) references p 386 - not quite _that_ straightforward of a page
David Morris
- ATDTDA (14) references p 386 - not quite _that_ straightforward of a page
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (14) references p 387 (beta)
- ATDTDA (14) stepping down...
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) stepping down...
Ya Sam
- ATDTDA (14) stepping down...
robinlandseadel at
- ATDTDA (14) stepping down...
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (14) time machines
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (14) Vernacular
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (15): A counterfeit mission, 406-413 #1
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): A counterfeit mission, 406-413 #1
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): A counterfeit mission, 406-413 #1
robinlandseadel at
- ATDTDA (15): A counterfeit mission, 406-413 #2
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): A counterfeit mission, 406-413 #3
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): A handsome set, 419
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): An unforgettable recital, 422-424 #1
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Ask your Tesla machine, 424-425
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Cakewalking, 419-420
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA (15): I'd be getting in the air, if I were you fellows, 427-428
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): Long as you play harmonica, 418-419
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Long as you play harmonica, 418-419
David Morris
- ATDTDA (15): Long as you play harmonica, 418-419
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (15): Long as you play harmonica, 418-419
David Morris
- ATDTDA (15): Peeping, 413-417 #1
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Peeping, 413-417 #1
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): Peeping, 413-417 #2
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Peeping, 413-417 #3
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Roswell's bounce, 425-427
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Roswell's bounce, 425-427
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): Roswell's bounce, 425-427
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Squealing is good for you, 420-422 #1
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Squealing is good for you, 420-422 #1
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15): Squealing is good for you, 420-422 #2
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (15): Squealing is good for you, 420-422 #2
David Morris
- ATDTDA (15): Squealing is good for you, 420-422 #2
Ya Sam
- ATDTDA (15): Squealing is good for you, 420-422 #2
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (15: An unforgettable recital, 422-424 #2
Paul Nightingale
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Dave Monroe
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
David Morris
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
dmugmon at
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Michael Lee Bailey
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Michael Lee Bailey
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Tim Strzechowski
- AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Glenn Scheper
- ATDTDA (16): Actually enjoying his solitude, 431-433 #1
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16): Actually enjoying his solitude, 431-433 #2
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16): An awkward moment, 434-443 #1
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16): An awkward moment, 434-443 #2
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16): An awkward moment, 434-443 #3
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16): An awkward moment, 434-443 #3.."to further someone's hidden plans"
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA (16): Evening, Professor, 445-448
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16): Medicine Hat, Alberta (432.9)
Tim Strzechowski
- ATDTDA (16): Medicine Hat, Alberta (432.9)
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (16): Swords into ploughshares, 443-445
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA (16) ???
Tim Strzechowski
- ATDTDA (16) ???
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA (16) ???
Tim Strzechowski
- ATDTDA (16) ???
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA 16..p 436+
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA 16..p 436+
Mark Kohut
- AtDTDA: (14) Pgs 374-397: Tales of Power
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA: (14) Pgs 374-397: Tales of Power
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
kelber at
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
Monte Davis
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
kelber at
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
Thomas Eckhardt
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA: Those 17 syllables
Lawrence Bryan
- ATDTDA Miles before!
- ATDTDA nasotemporal
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
Dave Monroe
- ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA tangent Durkheim
mikebailey at
- ATDTDA tangent Durkheim
Dave Monroe
- A Thomas Pynchon Bibliography
Dave Monroe
- Aubade, Poor Dad
Dave Monroe
- Ballooning Still Not Safe
- Begotten
- BiLocations
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Daniel Julius
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Ya Sam
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Daniel Julius
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Joe Allonby
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Thomas Eckhardt
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Mark Kohut
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
David Morris
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Guy Ian Scott Pursey
- Bret Easton Ellis Survey
Daniel Julius
- Burning Man Torched Early/During Lunar Eclipse
robinlandseadel at
- Burning Man Torched Early/During Lunar Eclipse
Chris Abraham
- Burning Man Torched Early/During Lunar Eclipse
the Robot Vegetable
- Busted Time Machines And Harmonica Madness
Dave Monroe
- Busted Time Machines And Harmonica Madness
Glenn Scheper
- Busted Time Machines And Harmonica Madness
Dave Monroe
- Busted Time Machines And Harmonica Madness
mikebailey at
- Busted Time Machines And Harmonica Madness
Dave Monroe
- Charlie Parker, Uptown and Down
Dave Monroe
- Consuming old links: Durkheim.
Glenn Scheper
- Crazy Pete Returns
Dave Monroe
- Deuce Kindred
- Dubini - Pynchon Movie
Bryan Snyder
- Dubini - Pynchon Movie
Dave Monroe
- Fescue--another brilliant sliding metaphor?
Mark Kohut
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
Dave Monroe
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
Matthew Ryan
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
Dave Monroe
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
Charles Albert
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
Ya Sam
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
Dave Monroe
- Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Invasion of Iraq (1994)
robinlandseadel at
- From GR...The Other Side
Mark Kohut
- Fw: A.Word.A.Day--incommode
Tim Strzechowski
- FW: AtDTDA (16) 434 +
David Payne
- FW: AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Mark Kohut
- FW: Flatland: The Movie
- Fw: MDMD(0) : Opening Call For The Mass Discussion of Mason & Dixon
Dave Monroe
- FW: Who Was King James and Who Authorized Him?
Glenn Scheper
- Fwd: AtDDtA(15): F.I.C.O.T.T.
mikebailey at
- Fwd: Dubini - Pynchon Movie
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: Google Alert - "Thomas Pynchon"
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Google Alert - "Thomas Pynchon"; new comic allusion
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: perhaps no new Mathiessen....from a RH contact...could be another publisher, but doubtful
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Pynchon decoded
Paul Di Filippo
- Fwd: Re: Adobe HQ puzzle solved
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Re: ATDTDA (14) p 398: General Spoilers re the Chums' ending in ATD
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Re: AtDTDA (16) 434 +
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: The age of steampunk
Mark Kohut
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "Light is Like Water" (1978)
Dave Monroe
- George Orwell on getting shot
David Morris
- german radio tip: "Jedes Ding sucht seinen Dichter"
- Going Postal [was Ratfucker]
Richard Fiero
- Going Postal as Anarchism
Mark Kohut
- Going Postal as Anarchism
Bryan Snyder
- Going Postal as Anarchism
Dave Monroe
- Harmonicas sing at convention
Dave Monroe
- Hell's Cartel
- Hysterical Realism
Dave Monroe
- I'm home but ...
- I'm home but ...
mikebailey at
- I'm home but ...
Dave Monroe
- I'm home but ...
mikebailey at
- IC Quotes
- IC Quotes
- IC Quotes
Mark Kohut
- IC Quotes
Dave Monroe
- I feel hot to type tonight.
Glenn Scheper
- I feel hot to type tonight.
mikebailey at
- I feel hot to type tonight.
Tim Strzechowski
Ya Sam
Tara Brady
Johnny Marr
Ya Sam
- It's all Greek to me ...
Dave Monroe
- It's not all Greek to me ...
giko riko
- It's not all Greek to me ...
Dave Monroe
- It's not all Greek to me ...
giko riko
- It's not all Greek to me ...
giko riko
- It's not all Greek to me ...
Mark Kohut
- It's not all Greek to me ...
Dave Monroe
- It's not all Greek to me ...
Dave Monroe
- Jit Sin Harmonica Band
Ya Sam
- Kitten Chums
David Morris
- Light on 'The Crying of Lot 49"
Mark Kohut
- Literary Critic Leaves New Republic for New Yorker
Ya Sam
- Literary Critic Leaves New Republic for New Yorker
- Literary Critic Leaves New Republic for New Yorker
Mark Kohut
- Literary Critic Leaves New Republic for New Yorker
- looks like I was cryptically unclear, (unlike TRP who is clearly cryptic)
Mark Kohut
- Lost Horizon
Dave Monroe
- Lucky writing thong
Ya Sam
- Lucky writing thong
- Lucky writing thong
Charles Albert
- M&D p. 438: Gentlemen's Magazine
David Payne
- M&D p. 438: Gentlemen's Magazine
David Payne
- M&D p. 438: Gentlemen's Magazine
Mark Kohut
- Mackle
Toby G Levy
- Mackle
Dave Monroe
- MAD3PAD 355-357
David Payne
- MAD3PAD 355-357
mikebailey at
- MAD3PAD 355-357
David Payne
- MAD3PAD 355-357
mikebailey at
- MAD3PAD 355-357
David Payne
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- MAD3PAD 91-93
David Payne
- Man Booker Prize 2007
- Man Booker Prize 2007
Ya Sam
- Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon
Werner Presber
- Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon
Michael Lee Bailey
- Mayo margarita anyone?
David Morris
Dave Monroe
- MDMD(0) : Opening Call For The Mass Discussion of Mason & Dixon
Glenn Scheper
- MDMD(0) : Opening Call For The Mass Discussion of Mason & Dixon
Michael Lee Bailey
- MDMD(0) : Opening Call For The Mass Discussion of Mason & Dixon
David Payne
- MDMD(0) : Opening Call For The Mass Discussion of Mason & Dixon (lengthy, AF-related)
Michael Lee Bailey
- MDMD(0) : Opening Call For The Mass Discussion of Mason & Dixon (lengthy, AF-related)
Paul Mackin
- MDMD: Dinn's Notes
David Payne
- MDMD: Dinn's Notes
- MDMD: Dinn's Notes
Dave Monroe
- MDMD: Dinn's Notes
David Payne
- MDMD: Dinn's Notes
Dave Monroe
- Merle, Peterman
Michael Lee Bailey
- Millenium and 2 other NP comments (brief)
mikebailey at
- More on Coetzee...
Lawrence Bryan
- More on Coetzee...
- More on Coetzee...
Lawrence Bryan
- More on Coetzee...
Mark Kohut
- more on religion and violence and Frazer
Mark Kohut
- My favorite time of year.....
Charles Albert
- Names Changed to Protect a Genius ...
Dave Monroe
- New Light Weapon
David Morris
- New Matthiesen in April
- No subject
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- Novels for Students
Dave Monroe
- NP: Dick Cheney was once quite perceptive ...
Tim Strzechowski
- NP: Dick Cheney was once quite perceptive ...
David Morris
- NP: Flying Dirt
robinlandseadel at
- NP:
- NP: Free Book, Music, Film Collection Software
- NP: NYC Man Cited for 1775 Submarine
- NP: Perseids!
- NP: World Clock
kelber at
- NP: World Clock
Monte Davis
- NP Benson, Arizona
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
Tim Strzechowski
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
Lawrence Bryan
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
Ya Sam
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
Charles Albert
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
kelber at
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
Tim Strzechowski
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
- NP quick Dostoyevsky question
kelber at
- NP Sheila Burnford
Charles Albert
- NP Sheila Burnford
kelber at
- OK, who's got it?
Monte Davis
- OK, who's got it?
- Paleo-Future : Flying Machines (circa 1885)
Werner Presber
- Paradise
David Morris
- Paul N's postings on AtD ...
- Paul N's postings on AtD ...
Dave Monroe
- Postmodern Times
David Morris
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
John Pendergast
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Robert Mahnke
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Michael J. Hußmann
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
robinlandseadel at
- Pynchon Bumper sticker
Daniel Julius
- pynchonesque
- pynchonesque
Dave Monroe
- pynchonesque, to be sure.
Erik T. Burns
- Pynchon lesen
- Pynchon writing for CBS?
John Pendergast
- Ratfucker
robinlandseadel at
- Ratfucker
Richard Fiero
- Ratfucker
mikebailey at
- Ratfucker
Mark Kohut
- Ratfucker
Dave Monroe
- Ratfucker
robinlandseadel at
- Ratfucker
Richard Fiero
- Ratfucker
Dave Monroe
- Read the Classics with Suzanne
Dave Monroe
- Review of V. and GR in 1975 WHAT IS THOMAS PYNCHON TELLING US?
- ripostes to past posts RE: Grand Cohen, orange tabs/pink tabs, tarot wandering
Michael Lee Bailey
- ripostes to past posts RE: Grand Cohen, orange tabs/pink tabs, tarot wandering
robinlandseadel at
- ripostes to past posts RE: Grand Cohen, orange tabs/pink tabs, tarot wandering
Bryan Snyder
- ripostes to past posts RE: Grand Cohen, orange tabs/pink tabs, tarot wandering
kelber at
- ripostes to posts from the past Re: NP - The Gay Bomb
mikebailey at
- San Jose semaphore atop Adobe building solved: It is a novel
Dave Monroe
- See Who's Editing Wikipedia - Diebold, the CIA, a Campaign
Dave Monroe
- Singing Tesla Coil
Dave Monroe
- Singing Tesla Coil
Dave Monroe
- Singing Tesla Coil
Richard Fiero
- so Laurie Anderson had an OK to do a GR opera on uke...
mikebailey at
- so Laurie Anderson had an OK to do a GR opera on uke...
Bryan Snyder
- speaking (again) of Alonzo Meatman
Mark Kohut
- speaking of Darby Suckling
Mark Kohut
- speaking of Darby Suckling
Dave Monroe
- Squashed Philosophers
Dave Monroe
- Subject: AtDDtA(15): A Neuroptahy Had Taken Hold
Glenn Scheper
- Subject: Time and time and timelessness
Glenn Scheper
- Talking Dogs
- Talking Dogs
Dave Monroe
- Text of LOT 49 article
Paul Di Filippo
- that "Light is a secret determinant of History"...and Atd
Mark Kohut
- that "Light is a secret determinant of History"...and Atd
Dave Monroe
- The Book of Imaginary Beings
Dave Monroe
- The Book of Imaginary Beings
David Payne
- The Book of Imaginary Beings
David Morris
- The Book of Imaginary Beings
Dave Monroe
- The Crying of Lot 49 "art film" on youtube
- The Elegant Assassin
Dave Monroe
- The Explorer
Dave Monroe
- The Fabric of America:
Dave Monroe
- The Mysterious Island
Werner Presber
- The Online Gravity's Rainbow Reference
Dave Monroe
- the Trespassers and their "offer" !: Collaborators in a Quest for Human Perfection
Mark Kohut
- The Way to Shambhala
Dave Monroe
- The Way to Shambhala
- Time and time and timelessness
Mark Kohut
- Time and time and timelessness
Richard Fiero
- Time and time and timelessness
Dave Monroe
- Towers Open Fire
Dave Monroe
- Towers Open Fire
robinlandseadel at
- TP Documentary... (BitTorrent Link)
Bryan Snyder
- trade offer
Toby G Levy
- TRP on Sesame Street?
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Dave Monroe
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Dave Monroe
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Matthew Ryan
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Dave Monroe
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Tim Strzechowski
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Dave Monroe
- TRP on Sesame Street?
Tim Strzechowski
- Two P mentions; Two NP urls.
Glenn Scheper
- Ubu Film
Dave Monroe
- Ubu Film
Dave Monroe
- V.
Mark Kohut
- Vineland/Gonzales
robinlandseadel at
- Vineland/Gonzales
Bryan Snyder
- Well, I'm done... (Vineland)
Bryan Snyder
- What one Slothrop is doing in Berlin...
Sascha Pöhlmann
- What one Slothrop is doing in Berlin...
Dave Monroe
- What one Slothrop is doing in Berlin...
Dave Monroe
- while browsing in Molly Hite's book on TPR in a library
Mark Kohut
- while browsing in Molly Hite's book on TPR in a library
grladams at
- Wired Quotidian Quotes
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Dave Monroe
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Monte Davis
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Dave Monroe
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Dave Monroe
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Paul Mackin
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Dave Monroe
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Paul Mackin
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Lawrence Bryan
- Worst ... people ... ever ...
Paul Mackin
- Yahoo! News Story - One in four read no books last year - Yahoo! News
kelber at
- Yahoo! News Story - One in four read no books last year - Yahoo! News
- Yahoo! News Story - Time Travel Machine Outlined - Yahoo! News
- Zeitgeist, the Movie
David Morris
- Zeitgeist, the Movie
- Zoophilia in AtD
Ya Sam
- Zoophilia in AtD
Mark Kohut
- Zoophilia in AtD
Mark Kohut
- Zoophilia in AtD
Ya Sam
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 17:03:32 CDT 2007
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:58:09 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).