AtDDtA(15): Psychically Interfered With

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Fri Aug 10 16:02:20 CDT 2007

   "Afterward Chick could not rid himself of an impression, lying
deeper than he cared, or was able, to go, of having been psychically
interfered with...." (AtD, Pt. II, p. 414)

"psychically interfered with"

Main Entry: in·ter·fere
Pronunciation: \ˌin-tə(r)-ˈfir\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): in·ter·fered; in·ter·fer·ing
Etymology: Middle English enterferen, from Anglo-French (s')entreferir
to strike one another, from entre- inter- + ferir to strike, from
Latin ferire — more at bore
Date: 15th century

1 : to interpose in a way that hinders or impedes : come into
collision or be in opposition
2 : to strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in walking
or running —used especially of horses
3 : to enter into or take a part in the concerns of others
4 : to act reciprocally so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise
affect one another —used of waves

interfered with
Sexually molested.

"he could not escape the conclusion that, despite conventional signs
of occupancy, these rooms were all, in fact, vacant"

Sigmund Freud, "The Uncanny" (1925)

The Uncanny (Ger. Das Unheimliche) is a Freudian concept of an
instance where something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same
time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange.

Because the uncanny is familiar, yet strange, it often creates
cognitive dissonance within the experiencing subject due to the
paradoxical nature of being attracted to, yet repulsed by an object at
the same time. This cognitive dissonance often leads to an outright
rejection of the object, as one would rather reject than rationalize.

heimlich and unheimlich (canny/homey; uncanny/unhomey)

heimlich, first definition = I, a: belonging to the house; friendly;
familiar; I, b: tame (as in animals); I, c: intimate, comfortable;
i.e: secure, dometic(ated), hospitable.

heimlich, second definition = concealed, secret, withheld from sight
and from others; secretive, deceitful = private.

"The chill suspicion grew on him, further, that in here what seemed to
be lamplight was not--that through some nonearthly means his optic
sensorium was being locally addressed and systematically deluded ..."

René Descartes, Meditations on First Philsosophy (1641)

I will suppose, then, not that Deity, who is sovereignly good and the
fountain of truth, but that some malignant demon, who is at once
exceedingly potent and deceitful, has employed all his artifice to
deceive me; I will suppose that the sky, the air, the earth, colors,
figures, sounds, and all external things, are nothing better than the
illusions of dreams, by means of which this being has laid snares for
my credulity; I will consider myself as without hands, eyes, flesh,
blood, or any of the senses, and as falsely believing that I am
possessed of these; I will continue resolutely fixed in this belief
... (I.12)

"the change that had come over his companion the moment they stepped
across the doorsill"


"'It's control. All these things arise from one difficulty: control.
For the first time it was inside, do you see. The control is put
inside. No more need to suffer passively under 'outside forces'--to
veer into any wind. [...] A market needed no longer be run by the
Invisible Hand, but now could create itself--its own logic, momentum,
style, from inside.'" 30; "the hovering statistical cherub who's never
quite been to hell but speaks as if he's one of the most fallen" 57;
"Inside and outside remain just as they were, but the interface [...]
is changing" 78-79; "she fears the Change, choosing instead only
trivially to revise what matters least, ornament and clothing, going
no further than politic transvestism" 97; "Spectro did not
differentiate as much as [Pointsman] between Outside and Inside" 141;
"Outer Radiance" 148, 150; "allowing her beauty: to enter him or avoid
him" 149; "he hasn't the nerve to reach in" 150; "'how far into one
"far enough" really is'" 272; "daring him to enter and find a secret
he cannot survive" 285; "as travel in the Interior becomes more
common" 321; "located in time and space always just to miss grandeur,
only to be in its vacuum" 324; "In and out of all the vibrant flesh
moves the mad scavenger Tchitcherine" 337; "inside is outside" 373;
Trudi crawling inside Slothrop's nose/skull, 439; Slothrop "inside his
own cock" 470; "each lash, a little further in...till someday [...]
she will have that first glimpse of it" 509; "[Tchitcherine] always to
be held at the edges of revelations [...] his only illumination [at
the Kirghiz Light] was that fear would always keep him from going all
the way in" 566; "So far and no farther, is that it? You call that
living?" 598; Pan: "Come in. . .forget them. Come in here" 656; "You
don't have to come into this any further than locating Slothrop" 662;
"How long can I get away with easy work, cheap exits? Shouldn't I be
going all the way in?" 662; "Maximilian's doom is never to go any
further into danger than its dapperness, its skin-exciting first feel"
676; Outside and Inside interpiercing one another too fast, too finely
labyrinthine, for either category to have much hegemony anymore" 681;
Oneirine-induced paranoia can be "a route In for those like
Tchitcherine who are held at the edge...." 703; "Inner Voices" 711;
"Outer Voices" 712; "the shrieking-outward, into the stone resonance,
where there is no good or evil" 720; "Have you ever waited for it?
wondering whether it will come from outside or inside?" 720; See also
interface; mirrors
Institute Rabe


See also delta-t; edges; fingernails; mirrors; naming; Zone


Because a minimum of props are used in Chinese Opera, strict stylised
moves have been developed for portraying certain actions, very close
to miming [popup]. Opening a door [popup] would involve miming of
unbolting the door, drawing the doors open and stepping over a high
door threshold (a throwback to ancient China where all houses have a
high barrier at the door to keep the spirits out. Now that explains
why in some chinese vampire films, all those zombie corpses are shown
getting stuck at a door, hopping madly in place like a badly
programmed A.I game sprite).

E.g., ...

(Meatman is cyborg?)
His name suggests a purveyor of meat, and he does "deliver" Chick to
Mr. Ace, but a real human being can also feel used and can prefer
fading into the deep background when not on a task for his scary boss.
(He brings Chick to a meeting. Huh. Ideal name for a go-between.)

On "meat," cf. ...

William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)

Very cyberpunk overall here ...

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