AtDTDA (16) 434 +

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Tue Aug 28 20:46:49 CDT 2007

okay foax, 
  Dave has been heroic, pulling a double shift and I've offered to give him a break at hosting now that I
  am back with my copy of AtD--and maybe not too busy for a week or so. Maybe.
  I'm not as thorough as thorough Dave, so SiNG Along, Fill right in.
  I'll make some obs to start and ask for insights, opinions, votes on obs, so to speak, 'kay?
  some won't like my style, so say so in smart disagreement. "Every man has the right to
  stand up and give his opinion and every other man has the right to knock him down for it"--
  The great Sam Johnson
  P 434 Special Desert Detail:   Desert = What Associations?    Doesn't TRP do some rifiing
  on deserts in GR?.....   "the high-desert traces of an ancient European order" 436 in GR...but there is more I can't find...anyone, anyone?

  And have we mentioned the homage to Dune yet? Real or imagined?  Anyone read Dune and not just seen the movie like moi? 
  Weren't the three Abrahamic religions all founded 'in the desert"?
  'succession of colors' to flow past............meaning?       
  Sprang vividly to life....
  'some beetle species' swarmed..........Wasn't there some meaningful exchange about Beetles in M & D? 58:    if Beetles be your Passion, why the Beetle Variety there!
Anachronistic allusion to Charles Darwin and a famous remark about evolution? For years, after dropping out of medical school, Darwin had a passion for collecting beetles.
And, "the contemplation of nature can give rise to some curious reflexions. There is a famous (possibly apocryphal) story about the great biologist J.B.S. Haldane.[20th Century] At a major British public occasion, Haldane was sitting next to an Anglican bishop, who asked him what biology had shown him about the designs and predilections of the Creator. Haldane is supposed to have replied "An inordinate fondness for beetles."
  Piggotts... A long stare

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