ATDTDA (14) stepping down...

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Mon Aug 6 04:15:32 CDT 2007

On 8/5/07, robinlandseadel at <robinlandseadel at> wrote:
>           mikebailey:
>           It's fun to host.  Thanks for the opportunity
>           to look more closely at the text.  For anyone
>           not sure whether to sign up, it is a gas!
> Dave Monroe, step up!!! It's time to play- - - -
> Beat [two-syllable enunciation right here, you drop down an octave to:
> "Bee----eat", pulling up with a portamento gliss on the second
> syllable (Michael Buffer style)]
> The Reaper!!!!!!!

Thanks Robin, and, of course, Mike (thanks not only for taking up the
challenge, but for meeting it head on--me, i tend to hid behind the
corners and trees and throw rocks at it, at best, so ...), but also
Tim (for kindly starting me on a day of particularly Pynchonian
significance, and, of course, then some), Murthy and Oliver (for
putting us up/putting up with us all these years), Quail (for
establishing and maintaining a premier online resource, not only on
Pynchon, but on any number of my favorite authors), well, I could go
on and on here, but ...

Okay, on to AtDDtA(15), Pt. II, pp. 406-28 ...

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