Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Tue Aug 7 15:12:06 CDT 2007

I don't think it is intended to be used against Bin Laden and company...

rich schrieb:

> this is really gonna stop bin laden and co.
> Flashlight Weapon Makes Targets Throw Up
> It looks like a big flashlight — but it's really a nonlethal weapon
> designed to make you sick.
> Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc., of Torrance, Calif., has been
> granted a contract by the Department of Homeland Security to develop
> what it calls the "LED Incapacitator," according to a DHS online
> newsletter.
> The handheld device using light-emitting diodes to emit super-bright
> pulses of light at rapidly changing wavelengths, causing
> disorientation, nausea and even vomiting in whomever it's pointed at.

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