NP Sheila Burnford

kelber at kelber at
Fri Aug 10 11:41:25 CDT 2007

My kids are DEMANDING that I read the Golden Compass.  Although ferocious Harry Potter fans, they claim the His Dark Matter trilogy is a zillion times better.  I just started GC and the first two chapters seem a little ATD-like, in theme, anyway.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Charles Albert <cfalbert at>

>Just finished reading her Bel Ria Dog of War to my 8 year old last
> had been recommended for 9 and up in the NYRB....
>I am probably one of the few people on earth entirely unfamiliar with The
>Incredible Journey, but I thought it appropriate to plug her.

>I suggest that it NOT be read to children under 12, though.......I had to
>stay up and start Golden Compass, in an effort to distract my mourning

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