AtDDtA(15): Mr. Ace
robinlandseadel at
robinlandseadel at
Sat Aug 11 17:59:13 CDT 2007
The Aces represent the roots of the four
elements. They are quite above, and
distinct from, the other small cards in
the same way as Kether is said to be
symbolized only by the topmost point of
the Yod of Tetragrammaton. In these
cards is no real manifestation of the
element in its material form. . . .
. . . .It represents Spirit ruling the four
elements, and is thus a symbol of the
Triumph of Man. . . .
. . . .On the other hand, Spirit represents
Kether. Perhaps it was never in the mind
of the Exempt Adept or Adepts who
invented the Tarot to go so far into this
matter. The point to remember is that,
both in their appearance and in their
meaning, the Aces are not the elements
themselves, but the seeds of those elements. . . .
The Book Of Thoth, Aleister Crowley 177
Aces are the root force. They are the spark.
Relate them to the Magician, who presents
the tools to the Fool. They have no purpose
yet, but are filled with raw potential. They
are the active energy of the suit ready to be
used. They can also indicate direction or
season, though which stands for which is
often debated. Here are the "usual"
directions and seasons. If, however, they
don't feel right to you, the reader, use
whatever works best. . . .
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