AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Aug 12 10:51:55 CDT 2007

Yes! (to post Hegel)
  Until I am made--or get--smarter---I want to believe:
  1) History for TRP is NOT advancing to a GOOD END, to say the least.  Apocalyptic disaster(s) are ....gonna happen.
  2) Remember in V. when someone--who?--says History is a Step Function?
  Is TRP's view of History, not that it is cyclical--he seems to diss the Eternal Return---but that it is an evermore humanly risky kind of spiralling step-function?...from WW1's Passchendaele, through 
  WW2's V-2, thru the future's unknown but almost-certain catastrophes?

Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at> wrote:
  On 8/12/07, Mark Kohut wrote:

> I think I shoujld have written 'the trespassers come from 'the end of
> History".. aphrase actually used in GR, I believe, years before the famous
> book....but
> after marxists and neo-M's....

Not to mention G.W.F. Hegel ...

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