AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Sun Aug 12 19:11:07 CDT 2007


           Dave and All,

I am all!!!
           Here are some of my confused thoughts......maybe my 
           confusion will lead to enlightenment as p-listers think it 
           through more clearly.

What we are looking for here are Koans/Cohens. Or Perhaps:

           A "koan":

           Is an "impossible riddle", like "what were the color of your 
           eyes before you were conceived"... and the student have 
           to think on it for weeks or years... until his mind gives up, 
           and thinks nothing, leaving only his "animal mind" without 
           thinking in yesterday or tomorrow, just to live the present... 
           and this is "Satori", which may come in a flash after years 
           of training. They have about 1,500 koans... logic and reason 
           are taboo!.

There are a lot of Koans in AtD.

           In outline form:
           1) Don't knew re Mr. Ace...don't know Tarot...drawn to 
           "flying ace" meaning 'cause of time travel motif.

I'm attracted to the  notion that the Aces are not the element/direction. . . .
the "thing, in and of itself', but the spirit that animates, thus irreal 
and not fixed to this [consensus] level of reality. In a way, closer to the 
Trumps and the angels, as they are the absolute essence of things, thus 
devoid of "thingness". Thus a whole lot more scary and Science Fiction-y
to boot. 
           2) Chums are fictional within the fiction as you, Dave, 
           remind, and to me one of their meanings in AtD is to 
           highlight unreality....'daylit' fictions.....West's tradition of 
           'adventure stories' that basically are irreal (as they touch 

So, yeah---fiction upon fiction upon fiction. . . . 
Quite Borgesian, don't you think?

            2A) Yet, Miles is the 'sensitive" truth-feeling one of the Chums

. . . .uh, psychic? Again, surely Our Beloved Author must be aware of Ms. 
Rowling's recent work---as clearly as he is aware of Gene Roddenberry's
somewhat older work. Miles is the magical one here, and man, could that 
cat blow. I think that both Miles[s] are supposed to remind us of the Black 
Magus---the muted posthorn had/has a Harmon mute. 
           3) So, trespassers come from when History, Western "Capitalist" 
           History has destroyed the world's resources....they seem to mouth 
           'truths' that our author might agree with, we say.

Damn liberals! Of course, they've got 20/20 hindsight and a smattering of
awareness of the laws of thermodynamics. And they know [just as we
know] what they've done.
           4) Chums' adventures, they (trespassers) say, are to prevent their 
           return to certain points in TIme. History CANNOT be changed?

ZZZZZNot if the trespassers have anything to do with it!

Eventually, [ultimately] the Chums really are more in cahoots with the many
anarchist groups [Penny Black and "Mnemonic Frostbite" anyone?], all
aligned against the day, all continuing their real work in shadow and
during the night.
           5) So, are the trespassers more good than not, while the Chums 
           are, as irreal fictionists, blockers of the Good?

The Chums are purely fictional, so let's call them the good guys.
           6) Because, ala GR esp., it all cannot be changed?

well, it'll be different if you take a different time tunnel. . . .

. . . .but, nope---'cause what happens in Trieste/Flanders stays in 


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