AtDDtA(15): He Is Not What He Says He Is

kelber at kelber at
Tue Aug 14 11:54:18 CDT 2007

The Trespassers seem more like ultra-capitalists caught in their own mess but still making a last-gasp effort to maximize profits by looking for new markets (back in time) to exploit.


-----Original Message-----
>From: mikebailey at

>Strictly speaking, some pointers in the text
>can be read to suggest that the 
>Trespassers may represent (to put it
>baldly) Communists, who wish to enlist
>the Chums in co-operation against the
>capitalistic system which they have seen
>destroying the world.
>Someone who habitually Trespassed would
>perhaps be someone who didn't believe
>in private property...

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