ATDTDA p 411 & forward, passing thoughts
Dave Monroe
against.the.dave at
Wed Aug 22 15:57:57 CDT 2007
On 8/22/07, mikebailey at <mikebailey at> wrote:
> "Chick had a momentary vision of a ship's
> passageway somewhere..."
> this keeps reminding me of that John Varley book
> where the people from the eco-nightmare future
> come back to the present and spirit people away
> from planes that are about to crash
> (cool part is, their air is so polluted, the only
> way they can feel at home in the 20th century
> is to chain smoke Camel non-filters & the like)
Which one is that? I gave up chasing down vaguely remembered SF/film
analogues. Though Samuel Beckett's The Lost Ones (1970) came to mind
as well ...
> then when they meet up with Mr. Ace, the whole
> thing smacks of a cult! This is about the only
> intimation or fruitful (maybe?) direction
> in the whole section that I don't remember reading
> about in Dave's notes. Cult, cult, cult!
> Krishnas, Moonies, David Koresh, Charles Manson,
> the whole world's going to hell in a handbasket
> and only Our Leader has the answer -
> "Glossy black eyes, presented like weapons in a duel"
> (the hypno-stare) -- and the curious passivity
> of the cult members "the change that had come over
> his companion the moment they steppe across the doorsill -
> a relaxation young Meatman did not bother to conceal,
> as if, having delivered Chick, he might now
> retreat unmolested into the quiescence of a tool returned
> at task's end to its crib, a state he seemed almost
> to prefer to the troublesome demands of the quotidian" (414)
This hadn't occured to me. I 'm stuck on Mr. Ace as a "Gray" ...
But no matter what, that is still a helluvan enigmatic chapter, even
by Pynchon's standards ...
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