AtDDtA(16): "We Have Messages for You"

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Thu Aug 23 13:45:26 CDT 2007

On 8/23/07, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at> wrote:

> hasheesh
> Fitz Hugh Ludlow, The Hasheesh Eater: Being Passages from the Life of
> a Pythagorean (1857)
> A little hand with the Greek here, please.  Thanks!
> And see as well ...
> It is Ludlow's remarkable talent to be able to put words to
> experiences which seem quite beyond the grasp of language. If he
> resorted to allegory or hyperbole to extend his verbal reach, we
> should not be surprised. As he said once, "the entire truth of Nature
> cannot be copied" so "the artist must select between the major and
> minor facts of the outer world; that, before he executes, he must
> pronounce whether he will embody the essential effect, that which
> steals on the soul and possesses it without painful analysis, or the
> separate details which belong to the geometrician and destroy the
> effect." That said, many of his passages which may have seemed like
> fantastic mythmaking to his contemporaries ring very true today with
> our slightly more advanced knowledge of the psychedelic state.
> "a facilitator of passage between the worlds"

1 November 1866
by Fitz Hugh Ludlow

NOT wishing to deter from the perusal of this article any fastidions
person whom Fourth of July orations may have tired of spread-eagleism,
nor by the patriotic sound of its title to beguile any enthusiastic
fellow-countryman into attacking a treatise for whose matter he has no
real predilection, I hasten to say that my heading signifies the vital
and essential unity, not of all the States, but of all the physical
forces which operate in nature. My title invites the reader to a brief
popular talk upon the subject which is now universally interesting
scientific minds throughout Europe and America under the name of
"Correlation;" a subject which, indeed, possesses so many elements of
interest for any active intellect, whether trained or not in the
abstruser studies technically known as science, that, unless I do it
great injustice by my treatment, every reader whose education enables
him to enjoy the other portions of this periodical will finish the
article with the feeling of having had opened to him a new field for
his thought as limitless and as noble as those trodden by the feet of
Milton and of Dante.

For the elaboration of the idea of the Correlation, or what is
equivalent, the basal unity of all the forces of nature, all the
sciences were necessary ...

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