Worst ... people ... ever ...

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Sun Aug 26 16:19:02 CDT 2007

Lawrence Bryan wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2007, at 10:23 AM, Paul Mackin wrote:
> - When one is single and out  on a date one must talk about whatever 
> seems to be working. Back in the 50s, Eliot was pretty reliable with 
> English majors.
> Ah yes. Well it was the mid-60's, but I do recall walking back to the 
> dorms with a young woman I had met early on a summer evening and the sky 
> was spread out - not exactly like an etherized patient but for some 
> reason that was what came to me - before us and so I started reciting 
> the poem as we walked, taking her hand in mine. After "... human voices 
> wake us and we drown." she sighed, took me by the hand and lead me to 
> her room. It was the last day of a summer session and I never saw her 
> again. Later that fall I tried the recitation with a different young 
> woman who thought it was funny that I was reciting a poem about 
> etherized patients to her. I found her laughter annoying but nonetheless 
> ended up marrying her the next spring. That was 40 years ago last April. 
> Hmmmmm. I just realized I never asked why she thought it was funny. When 
> she gets back from the store I think I will ask her.

You probably better not  mention the poem's earlier usage :-)

I've heard of some despicable cads using real ether.

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