Against the Day AudioBook

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Mon Jan 22 08:12:05 CST 2007

Don't know if it's been mentioned before, but saw a listing 
at work for the Audiobook---in this case on CDs---of 
Against the Day with an ISBN # of 1400103703.

Format: Book on CD
ISBN: 1400103703
Release Date: Jan 1, 2007
Publisher: Tantor Media Inc
Language: English
Weight: 0.51 lbs
Book Type: Fiction (Academic)

Hmm. . . .Academic. . . . .

"A---You say," gears in his mind beginning to crank, 
"'lap'---French . . . lap-dog" Somehow gathering that 
Ruperta had trained her toy spaniel to provide intimate 
"French" caresses of the tongue for the pleasure of its 

"Well! you two are . . . pretty close then, I guess?"

"I wuv my ickle woofwoof, ess i doo!" Squeezing the animal 
tightly, one would think painfully, except for the apparent 
enjoyment with which Mouffette was fluttering her eyelids.

"Hmm", said Reef.

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