Counterflying on the Pynchon drug 'connection

mikebailey at mikebailey at
Thu Jun 14 05:48:27 CDT 2007

supporting that notion is the statement in Easy Rider -- er, Slow Learner -- that a favorite
technique is to write about unfamiliar territory from Baedeker's., read some Burroughs, some Leary, some Masters & Houston, some Grosz,
and write things that'll have stoners recognizing a fellow in the craft...

not at all implausible // now, are you going to explode my 2nd hypothesis 
(suppression by the powers that be) by showing that his later books 
are at least as subversive as the earlier? or that GR wasn't in any way
a threat to the hegemony of Them?

Do we really think that beautiful, lyrically relentless and incredible to-the limit comic prose of 
GR was written while his mind was 'on drugs"?.....

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