Day 2 .5 Deep Read (11) p. 303--304 AtD (11) Deep Read, 6/11-6/25

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Thu Jun 14 16:27:06 CDT 2007

Music was only live then, of course, so for groups to hear a piano, say, they
  had to gather together--as in this Gallows Frame Saloon dancing. [Cf. this bar's name with 
  The Sailor's Grave bar in the opening of V. ; death surrounding life theme]
  SEx. Now we have the pervasiveness of SEX in life....more of Dally's education, her dad frequented The Silver Orchid regularly........"the needs of men not more complicated than the rules of blackjack"...witty take-off of the emn only interested in one thing cliche.......scene reminds this reader of Altman's 'McCabe and Mrs. Miller' and its focus on a brothel with Faye Dunaway playing the nice madam Peg character here, say.
  Here is the ESSAY QUESTION: Discuss meanings given to 'range' in AtD.....
  p.304 Dally and ""Love" whatever that turned out to be, would occupy a whole different piece of range.".......what unusual phrasing.............
  Has to hark back to the title of the first section: Light Over the Ranges, yes?........

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