Pynchon's endings

Daniel Harper daniel_harper at
Fri Mar 9 08:38:08 CST 2007

On Thursday 08 March 2007 13:20, you wrote:
> For my money, however, GR is head and shoulders above Pynchon's other
> novels
> >(which are head and shoulders above most other novels).
> Couldn't agree more. There was a good blurb to the effect that GR had been
> written by an angel who joked like a devil (can't find it now). Which again
> reminds me of one thing I've been curious about for awhile. GR presupposes
> an immense research, like, plenty of hunting through libraries, taking
> notes etc. When Pynchon was writing the novel in that small house they show
> in Journey into the mind of P., he must have already had all the notes,
> whatever. So, is there any info as to where, how, in which library etc.
> Pynchon researched for GR?

One of the strange things about Pynchon's desire to not be photographed, to 
not be a public figure, is that none of us really knows what he looks like. 
Pynchon could have researched at any library in the world and never have been 
bothered by anyone so long as he used a false name.

Part of me thinks this is really cool, that the random older gentleman 
wandering through the bookshelves at my store or sitting looking through 
magazines for a while could be none other than Pynchon. Not that he'd be 
likely to be hanging out in my hometown, but there's always the 

No reference to the present day is intended or should be inferred.
--Daniel Harper

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