Pynchon's endings

Ya Sam takoitov at
Thu Mar 8 13:20:33 CST 2007

For my money, however, GR is head and shoulders above Pynchon's other novels
>(which are head and shoulders above most other novels).

Couldn't agree more. There was a good blurb to the effect that GR had been 
written by an angel who joked like a devil (can't find it now). Which again 
reminds me of one thing I've been curious about for awhile. GR presupposes 
an immense research, like, plenty of hunting through libraries, taking notes 
etc. When Pynchon was writing the novel in that small house they show in 
Journey into the mind of P., he must have already had all the notes, 
whatever. So, is there any info as to where, how, in which library etc. 
Pynchon researched for GR?

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