Atdtda[4]: 109.5-6 Chums of Chance Logistical Services

Michel mryc2903 at
Sat Mar 10 06:25:48 CST 2007

First there were only "orders" (3.17),  an "assignment" (can't find the 
page back); we know that C o C have "branch[es] anyplace in the world" 
(54.10) but given the titles of their adventure books, it is all rather 

In this chapter, however, there's a distinct shift, and this process is 
carefully elaborated in Chapter 10:
- the telephone and the anonymous instructins that contain no clear 
data, only a direction (107 - first paragraph)
- radio messages giving even Lindsay "a sustained chill" (107.16)
- "extensive comuniques" from "Chums Headquarters" (108.10-11)
resulting in the first 'real' appearance of another C o C branch, that 
doesn't look as harmless the boys themselves: Chums of Chance Logistical 
Services, deploying indeed a massive logisitical power.

The boys remain shut, in the last sentence of this section (109.22-23), 
as if they realise that something changed.  From now on, the harmless C 
o C tone will regularly change in a more sinister one - of course in 
combination with the original one .  Simple quarrels among them will 
become much more complicated.  The Suckling in the first place ...

The vermin becomes a venom, and the light is too hard.  A bit less than 
1,000 pages away from grace...



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