Atdtda[4] Chapter 10

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Thu Mar 22 16:19:14 CDT 2007

             Now, let's have some "Gloymbroognitz thidfusp " 

             Monte Davis:
             With my rusty French and Italian, I'm always jealous 
             of your linguistic skills (as of those of Tore and Otto 
             and Ya Sam and other freedom-hating Old Yurropeans).

             But I'm gonna shine here; now he's talking my language.

You could  call it Glossolia:

             Manifestations of uncontrolled laughter is the most 
             distinguished feature of what has been labeled the 
             "Toronto Blessing," "the Laughing Revival," and 
             "Holy Laughter." But laughter is not the only 
             manifestation. Some participants roll on the floor, 
             shake, jerk, utter sounds of animals, behave as if 
             intoxicated, etc.

             WH Auden on Glossolalia 
             Observed: 20.Jan.2007

             It is extraordinary that sects of religious enthusiasts, 
             from the Montanists down to Catholic Apostolics, should
             have imagined that to make verbal noises which nobody 
             could understand was evidence of Divine Inspiration, a 
             repetition of the miracle of Pentecost. What happened 
             at Pentecost was exactly the opposite, the miracle of 
             instantaneous translation – everybody could 
             understand what everybody else was saying.

             In his great book Enthusiasm, Father Ronald Knox gives 
             us two examples of “speaking with tongues”: “Hippo 
             gerosto niparos boorasti farini O fastor sungor boorinas 
             epoopongos menati” and “Hey amei hassan alla do hoc 
             alors lovre has heo massan amor ho ti prov hir aso me”

. . . .or perhaps logorrhea (which seems to be the P-Lists verbal
disorder [go ahead, call me the pot]. . . .

             Main Entry:	log·or·rhea 
             Pronunciation:	"lo-g&-'rE-&, "lä-
             Function:	noun
             Etymology:	New Latin
             : excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness 
             - log·or·rhe·ic  /-'rE-ik/ adjective

. . . .with an emphasis on that "incoherent" part.

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