Atdtda[4] Chapter 10

Tore Rye Andersen torerye at
Fri Mar 23 06:47:07 CDT 2007

Miles Blundell said:

>"Gloymbroognitz thidfusp" (AtD, 113)

- which led Robin to say:

>You could call it Glossolia [...] . . . .or perhaps logorrhea (which seems 
>to be the P-Lists verbal
>disorder [go ahead, call me the pot]. . . .

.. . . .o-or perhaps it is an instance of the "sacred idiolalia" mentioned in 
GR. On p. 727 in that novel, we hear of "Manicheans who see two Rockets, 
good and evil, who speak together in the sacred idiolalia of the Primal 
Twins (some say their names are Enzian and Blicero)" - and on p. 746 we get 
an actual example of this idiolalia, namely: "medoshnicka bleelar 
medoometnozz in bergamot." In his excellent Companion, Weisenburger 
unscrambles this to "Mammon doomed Blicero; the black Enzian gets zero", but 
notes that this is only one possible reading, and that the word "kabbala" is 
also hidden in the idiolalia. Now, what might "Gloymbroognitz thidfusp" 
unscramble into? Anyone got a game of Scrabble handy?

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