Foley Walker

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Sun Mar 25 20:33:03 CDT 2007

            John Carvill quotes the pynchonwiki:

            There's also a hint of bilocation in Mephistopheles's 
            claim to be simultaneously with Faustus and in Hell.

There's innate bilocation in being a "Foley Walker", there are two 
halves to Jack Nicholson's walk in As Good As It Gets:

           (For an excersise in frustration, try doing Jack Nicholson's 
           feet in "As Good As It Gets" when he walks down the 
           sidewalk never touching the cracks - Wow! Hats off to
           Andy Malcolm the artist!!!)

It's like Vibe and Foley are seperate parts of the same beast.There's endless 
potential for metaphor in this. I'm jumpin' in. It's making my "magic eye" itch.

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