Foley Walker

Carvill John johncarvill at
Sun Mar 25 11:15:01 CDT 2007

>Of course, the purpose of a Foley Walker is to
>"shadow" the footsteps of an actor walking in a
>film, trying to get just the right sound and precisely
>synchronize the sounds with the sight of another
>actor's walking.

Yeah, that foley/sound effects connection is a possibility but I've never 
liked it for 2 reasons, one being that it's too obvious, foley being an 
actual word, an exact match for 'Foley', it just seems too easy. The other 
reason is that i don't see how it really works, metaphorically.

I saw Foley Walker as playing Mephistopheles to Scarsdale Vibe's Lucifer, 
just based on his "I am he" line and the Faustian bargain Kit makes, leading 
me to wonder if tehre is some connection to Christopher Marlowe's 'Dr. 
Faustus'. I made a note about this on the wiki, and I admit some of it is a 
bit of a stretch, but there is at least one more refernce to Christopher 
Marlowe later in the book:

"There is a possible connection to playwright Christopher 'Kit' Marlowe 
(author of Dr Faustus) here, in that Chris 'Kit' Traverse makes a Faustian 
bargain with Vibe, via Foley Walker, Walker perhaps playing Mephistopheles 
to Vibe's Lucifer. There's also a hint of bilocation in Mephistopheles's 
claim to be simultaneously with Faustus and in Hell. Also, the three men 
present during the fight in which Marlowe was fatally stabbed were Ingram 
Frizer, Nicholas Skeres and Robert Poley, this last being not too far from 
'Foley'. Also, among the sixteen jurors at the inquisition into Marlowe's 
death was one Adrian Walker. So, Poley and Walker, Foley Walker. 

Oh course, Foley's relationship with Vibe isn't all that it seems, and we 
all know what happens in the end. It's yet anothe rof the book's puzzles - 
at what stage did Foley turn against Vibe, or was he always out to get him? 
In some ways Foley could serve as a double for Lew Basnight, only Lew 
'turns' a lot earlier than Walker.


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