ATDTDA (5.1) - The Etienne-Louis Malus

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Mar 26 17:54:04 CDT 2007

What we--as Chums have---is some grace (remember it means in Lew's epiphany, that we
  realize things are as they are) after WW1 and before GR begins......??????

Carvill John <johncarvill at> wrote:
<Slothrop's hymn (or of touching between your own cold legs): It ends the 
novel on a note of hope and provides the reader a little bit of comfort, but 
the comfort is a slender and even a cold one, and it won't stop those 
rockets from falling. >>

I know we're getting way ahead here, but that fairy tale ending obviously 
has to be taken into account in any consideration of how we're to view the 
Chums. I don't know that we can say the flight toward grace ending is an 
unambivalently or unambiguously hopeful note. In some ways it echoes the end 
of Vineland, both literally - in the ascent of an airborne vehicle - and in 
the difficulty we have in deciding whether it is or isn't intended to be a 
'happy ending'.

Ok, maybe I better go read that 'Pynchon's endings' thread...


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