ATDTDA fizzling out?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri Mar 30 07:22:41 CDT 2007

We all have to stay focussed and, yes, respond and I'm talking to myself here as to the list.
  Yes, we must do this....

mikebailey at wrote:
  Hmmm...I thought it was going pretty well, actually...I can remember some discussions in English classes that had started slow, but gained momentum...after all, it's hard to get a grip on a brand new book like this, without a lot of literature in place on it (to agree with or disagree with, as the case may stand...)

The hosts are doing a great job. There is a lot of good information coming out, and I mentioned to John Carvill (accidentally off-list - meant to post it, but lost the e-mail) that the "Foley Walker" reference, for just one of many, isn't something I'd have been at all likely to find on my own. The continuing efforts of Paul Nightingale have also been great (sometimes I think he is Pynchon, anybody else suspect that?) 

I'm not one of your more infrequent posters, or I'd commit to more (which might well be counterproductive) ...but I have already made a promise to myself to respond to each host's questions, made about midway through Michel's tenure when I sensed the sort of topic drift that I think you're referring to, Tore.

So I'd say - please, let's not adjourn. Who knows when we'd get back to it?

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