ATDTDA fizzling out?

Carvill John johncarvill at
Fri Mar 30 07:53:35 CDT 2007

Thank God someone said it!

Some folk have been subscribed to this list for years and years, some over a 
decade, and they kept subscribing all the time, even though, with the 
notable exception of M&D, there has been scant new Pynchon material to chew 
on. So the lack of participation has been mystifying in the extreme. It's 
sad, dispiriting, and depressing....

>From: "Tore Rye Andersen"

>Is it just me, or does the ATD group read seem to be dying a slow, but 
>certain death? Out of the 50 last posts to the p-list, eight or so have 
>been related to AtD, and it's getting harder and harder to see that a group 
>read of Pynchon's latest masterpiece is in progress.......

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