ATDTDA fizzling out?

Keith keithsz at
Fri Mar 30 08:45:43 CDT 2007

On Mar 30, 2007, at 5:53 AM, Carvill John wrote:
Thank God someone said it!

Some folk have been subscribed to this list for years and years, some  
over a decade, and they kept subscribing all the time, even though,  
with the notable exception of M&D, there has been scant new Pynchon  
material to chew on. So the lack of participation has been mystifying  
in the extreme. It's sad, dispiriting, and depressing....


Oh, please. You yourself said:

"When I say remarks, perhaps I'd be better to come clean and say  
excuses, pleas for leniency. I've been monstrously busy these past  
months, and have watched the pile-up of ATDTDA posts with a sort of  
dismay. I haven't had a chance to read even a quarter of what's been  
and I've literally had no spare time to contribute to the Group Read  
of this
fantastic book."

How about passing around the leniency instead of being so "mystified."

The group reads are typically 75% (or more) hosting and 25% (or less)  
response. Hosting can be quite rewarding even if no one responds.

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