ATDTDA fizzling out?

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Fri Mar 30 11:03:16 CDT 2007

I'm not gonna refer to anyone else's comments here.

I've read the book all the way through twice, the first really 
quickly (12 days) the second considerably slower. So this 
(the slowest and most detailed reading) group read is my 
third reading. There is so much in this book that does not, 
will not reveal itself, in a surface reading, the level of 
misdirection throughout the book is greater than in anything 
else the man has written. A lot of themes in the book are 
litmus-test left-right things, making the read much harder 
to digest to those for whom anarchy is anathema. And the 
internal reflections of various characters throughout the 
book make time and location very woozy, nowhere woozier 
than the section I have the pleasure of hosting, where the 
Stupendica either bi-furcates, or has half of its intended 
design wander off into a parallel universe. Good times!

This is not an easy book, it's at least as dense as GR. 
But I'm having loads of fun and have no intention of 
stopping. Anyway, why the desicion to stop the moment 
before we plunge into the novels darkest, most inspired 
section? Chicken?

By the way, the key to the section were are working on 
right now is Norse Mythology concerning the beginning of time, 
that's the parallel action going on. You could look it up:

Placing the source of the event in Iceland amplifies the 
action of Iceland Spar. Which brings us back to D'oh!

This is a great book, it's deeper than many of its readers, 
we will run hot and cold. But it would be stupid to run away.

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