ATDTDA fizzling out?

Bryan Snyder wilsonistrey at
Fri Mar 30 11:20:00 CDT 2007

I'm still on my first read and I agree...

I still hold GR above this for ultra-personal reasons, but AtD is really 
rich and dense and packed with tons of things the reader should be looking 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <robinlandseadel at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: ATDTDA fizzling out?

> I'm not gonna refer to anyone else's comments here.
> I've read the book all the way through twice, the first really
> quickly (12 days) the second considerably slower. So this
> (the slowest and most detailed reading) group read is my
> third reading. There is so much in this book that does not,
> will not reveal itself, in a surface reading, the level of
> misdirection throughout the book is greater than in anything
> else the man has written. A lot of themes in the book are
> litmus-test left-right things, making the read much harder
> to digest to those for whom anarchy is anathema. And the
> internal reflections of various characters throughout the
> book make time and location very woozy, nowhere woozier
> than the section I have the pleasure of hosting, where the
> Stupendica either bi-furcates, or has half of its intended
> design wander off into a parallel universe. Good times!
> This is not an easy book, it's at least as dense as GR.
> But I'm having loads of fun and have no intention of
> stopping. Anyway, why the desicion to stop the moment
> before we plunge into the novels darkest, most inspired
> section? Chicken?
> By the way, the key to the section were are working on
> right now is Norse Mythology concerning the beginning of time,
> that's the parallel action going on. You could look it up:
> Placing the source of the event in Iceland amplifies the
> action of Iceland Spar. Which brings us back to D'oh!
> This is a great book, it's deeper than many of its readers,
> we will run hot and cold. But it would be stupid to run away. 

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