ATDTDA fizzling out?

Bryan Snyder wilsonistrey at
Fri Mar 30 11:57:49 CDT 2007

<the crowd screams for math help>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <kelber at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: ATDTDA fizzling out?

> Being on a 2-week scheduele may lessen the density of ATD-related posts, 
> but it gives people a larger window of opportunity to read accumulated 
> e-mails, digest them, and, occassionally, think of a reply.  Given the 
> overriding theme of Chaos in the book, how could our discussion be 
> anything other than chaotic and malformed?
> Laura
> Like many on the list, I'm hoping that when we get to the heavy math 
> sections, Monte and others will be able to help us out.
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Tore Rye Andersen <torerye at>
>>Perhaps what's needed is a compression of the schedule, then? Things have
>>been very slow, lately, but if each hosting session only lasted one week
>>instead of two, things would probably speed up a bit. Originally it seemed 
>>good idea to devote two weeks to each session, but in light of the way
>>things have been going, one week somehow seems more reasonable. If this 
>>the third group read of AtD, we would probably need at least two weeks per
>>session, but as it is, contributions seem few and far between and perhaps 
>>wouldn't be altogether stupid to compress matters somewhat. This would 
>>for a pretty intense week for the hosts, of course, but on the other hand,
>>their hosting duties would be over and done with in a week, and the
>>discussion would probably gain in intensity.

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