ATDTDA fizzling out?

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Fri Mar 30 13:06:55 CDT 2007

--- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at> wrote:

> A few p-listers organized a plan for a group read.
> Then an additional few signed on to participate.

This is how it's always been, so ...

> Now some of that enthusiasm has waned.

Just as it tends to wax again as well ...

> Not to worry. 

Except that we really should be able to generate some
traffic for a brand spanking new novel ...

> The p-list will survive. We certainly don't owe
> our success or longevity to so called group reads.

But they do tend to produced the most and best work
here, so ...

> The p-list will live forever.

I, on the other hand ...

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