ATDTDA fizzling out?
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Fri Mar 30 11:22:43 CDT 2007
I'm lovin' it. Bandwidth is low, cordiality high.
Where else can I hang out with such intelligensia,
learning new words, new people, new world views?
If I haven't stroked anybody, it's not because I haven't
thought to, but I figure you mature people all carry your
own self-valuation internally, and it would be redundant.
Surely Pynchon is like a warlock, a cyclops, a prophet,
and in reading of Tesla, I can substitute Haarp, or of
the Hollow Earth travels, the Hollow Earth And aliens.
Knowing he knows that core metaphor he never reveals,
I am waiting to see how he refracts it in his multiple
characters, some of which I recognize, others I miss.
I do feel spoon-fed in ATD. While the long threads and
abstruse ideas in GR made me feel like I was constantly
not "getting it", stuff in ATD arises and quickly ends,
like a periodical installment story. It's uninteresting
only in the sense that I should be doing something more
important with my time, but it's not at all unenjoyable.
I've been so busy perfecting my freeware program, and my
apocalyptic denouement before the world ends, and keeping
my boss happy, that I only read in tiny spurts, like 20
pages in the park yesterday. And I was musing, a fiftieth
every few days, if even that.... The group read will have
to go on for about a year.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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