Happy 70th Birthday Thomas Pynchon!
mikebailey at speakeasy.net
Tue May 8 17:48:37 CDT 2007
On Tue, 8 May 2007, Tore Rye Andersen wrote:
> >According to the Zone time, it's May 8. And we, good old Europeans, are
> >raising tankards with foaming ale to the health of Thomas Ruggles Pynchon,
> >the greatest living author.
> >Many happy returns!
> Here are Maskelyne's gloomy musings upon his 29th birthday:
> "Twenty-nine's Fell Shadow! O, inhospitably final year of any Pretense to
> Youth, its Dreams now, how wither'd away...tho' styl'd a Prime, yet bid'st
> thou Adieu to the Prime of Life!...There,-- there, in the Stygian Mists of
> Futurity, loometh the dread Thirty,-- Transition unspeakable! Prime so soon
> fallen, thy Virtue so easily broken, into a Number divisible,--
> penetrable!-- by six others!" (M&D, 118)
"Thomas Pynchon himself was born during a Sun-Uranus conjunction placing the
author under the aspect of astrology per se on May 8, 1937 in Glen Clove, Long
Island, New York sometime in the morning. But what does morning mean sometime
between 6-10 a.m.?"
(Slothrop's horoscope)
"The only school of love is life itself and each and every one of us sees love
through our own looking glasses. Point your looking glasses towards the
southeastern sky during the morning of June 8, 2004 from anywhere on the
continent of Europe and be amazed by the divine beauty of this image! And yes,
for the present generation there will be a second opportunity to internalize
this sign and symbol on June 6, 2012 in the South Pacific. Eight vital years to
hopefully restore love to our planet. Where love rules, peace follows and
civilization thrives."
(same author, on the Transit of Venus - something to look forward to)
"That's it," Paola said. "Je suis ne. Being born. That's all you have to do."
(from V.)
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