Okay..Speculation Riff, number xx

Cometman cometman_98 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 1 04:17:16 CDT 2007

--- Mark Kohut wrote:
 >    a kind of elegy for lost Humanity?......from when the "channel
 > the sea silted up
 >   back in the 1400s"..........a period in Western history---when
 > Adams Virgin reigned---
 >   when humans were most human?      signified by the ghosts that
 > inhabit it?
 what struck me was how the city which had been cosmopolitan
 became local: small-townish, which -- and this may be 
 disputable -- is "not" a good thing in Pynchon?
 >   did this remind anyone of the mound section of M & D?....
 not yet - have to take another look...
 >   there are a couple-three other 1400s mentions in AtD,
 > right?..remember any? 
 you bring up a good point there.  
 To evoke a time, as I, among others,
 have suggested is what is intended here, should also include
 references to the times past of that time... 
 But no, I don't remember any.

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