NP Satan in Lit (was Re: No Country plausibility issues)

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Tue Nov 20 14:24:19 CST 2007

Okay, found some notes on the character ... still don't have the book in hand ... but these are preliminary thoughts re: this thread:

Judge Holden as Satanic figure

bald, pale, hairless (thus cannot be scalped)
tall and enormous (7' tall)
childlike face
speaks at least 4 languages
speaks of religions, philosophy, history, languages
speaks thru tales and parables
magic tricks
exotic clothing and hats / occasionally naked
compared to a fox (p. 135) and a cat (p. 179)
"reads" the contents of the warbag (p. 110)
speaks to a gathering (p. 116)
speaks Dutch (p. 122-23) with a suggestion that he has a "gift" from the Almighty
tells a tale (pp. 140-47) - otherworldly qualities / parable
fiddle and dance (pp. 189-90)
Judge kills Apache child (p. 164) and two puppies (p. 192)
Judge and Toadvine discuss secrets of nature (pp. 198-99)
kills a horse with one blow (p. 219)
practices phrenology (pp. 238-39)
philosophy and magic coin trick (pp. 244-46)
discussing War and Games (pp. 248-51) - the inadequacy of God
Judge and imbicile (p. 281+)

Now I'm not suggesting that the Judge IS Satan ... if anything, there's more of a Confidence Man ambiguity surrounding how we should read his character ... but there are quite a few aspects that make him transcend the earthly "monster" figure and make him less fleshly, more supernatural.

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