Atdtda22: [43.5]

Paul Nightingale isread at
Thu Nov 22 14:47:06 CST 2007

[626.35-36] "... so we must resort to Phenomenology, and accept the literal
truth of his delusion ..."

Phenomenology may be characterised initially in a broad sense as the
unprejudiced, descriptive study of whatever appears to consciousness
precisely in the manner in which it so appears.

From: Dermot Moran, 'Editor's Introduction' in Dermot Moran & Timothy Mooney
eds, The Phenomenology Reader, Routledge, 2002, 1.

Cf. Husserl's project:

Instead of becoming lost in the performance of acts built intricately on one
another, and instead of (as it were) naively positing the existence of the
objects intended in their sense and then going on to characterise them, or
of assuming such objects hypothetically, of drawing conclusions from all
this, etc, we must rather practise 'reflection', ie make these acts
themselves, and their immanent meaning-content, our objects.

From: Edmund Husserl, 'Introduction to the Logical Investigations' in The
Phenomenology Reader, 69.

Cf. also Humfried's "pretext for the posing and solution of some narrative
puzzle" (597).

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