'Mad Dog" Bertie Russell & Unitarianism

Monte Davis monte.davis at verizon.net
Fri Nov 16 15:11:42 CST 2007

Mark sez:
> I am going to risk being way wrong in suggesting 
> some reason(s) why TRP may have used the term "Mad Dog" 
> w/r/t Bertrand Russell.  
All good. As champion of the obvious, I'll add that
1) a purely joke-y anachronistic reference to Noel Coward's 1932 song "Mad
Dogs and Englishmen" (namesake for a Joe Cocker album in 1971) would not be
too weird from the author who in Mason & Dixon invented the 18th century
idiom "simpleton silver" (chump change), and created a Hudson Valley Girl
who sprinkles "as" where her descendants will sprinkle "like"....
2) for the kind of Krazy Kutup who would do that, your point -- that "BR
wasn't even close to deserving the phrase" -- might appear to be be all the
more reason for applying it.
As B4,
G.E. "Wild & Crazy" Moore
Ludwig "Big Mouth" Wittgenstein
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