AtDTDA: 18/19 Sea Change
robinlandseadel at
robinlandseadel at
Thu Oct 4 05:02:11 CDT 2007
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that does fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! Now I hear them Ding-dong, bell.
. . . .and surely, has there ever been a greater sea-change? In the middle of
the ocean, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, the luxury liner Stupendica
suddenly and irreversible becomes contra-factual, in two places at once which
might also mean that they're not anywhere at atI mean, seeing as they're
fictional and all, and how can you be in Adagir and Venice at the same time
anyway [stomps foot petulantly like Shirley Temple in a low-grad snit-fit], and
here we are messing with a western thread, a fantasy thread, a romance
thread, a gothic thread. . . .
From: The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,
Fredric Jameson
The postmodernisms have, in fact, been fascinated precisely
by this whole "degraded" landscape of schlock and kitsch, of
TV series and Readers Digest culture, of advertising and
motels, of the late show and the grade-B Hollywood film, of
so-called paraliterature, with its airport paperback categories
of the gothic and the romance, the popular biography, the
murder mystery, and the science fiction or fantasy novel:
materials they no longer simply "quote;" as a Joyce or a
Mahler might have done, but incorporate into their very
. . . .a Sci-Fi thread, but they're all getting jumbled together, emulsfiedis
that the true meaning of Mayonaisse? Or is Kit being attacked by the
industrial means of production?
. . . .when it comes to postmodernism, where's chicken, where's egg with
TRP? We know that he knows what he knows, though we don't know just
how much he knows but we're willing to bet it's one hell of a lot more than
we ever will. We don't know if it's just an intellectual shell game, but we
know he'd run a slick one if he really wanted to.
I'm new to this whole po-mo racket, so bear with me and feel free to expand,
correct or otherwise embelish. When I read a passage like Fredric Jameson's
and look at Against the Day, they line up altogether too neatlywould someone
better versed in postmodern texts find commentary on Postmodernism
encryptedor maybe even blaring out like a choir of 100 kazoos with
perfect pitch? I suppose, in some way, by virtue of Against the Day's focus
on high modernity, we find ourselves facing what's coming over the hill: the
dis-junct, "anti-paranoiac" state of postmodernism.
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