Po-Mo sounds
robinlandseadel at comcast.net
robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Tue Oct 2 06:05:16 CDT 2007
John Bailey:
Music is the artform least explored by pomo criticism - it's a real
blindspot. A former professor of mine organised an international
conference on postmodernism and music last year. Couldn't get
along to it, though.
I think the answer to your question is: depends.
Are we talking music that registers the condition of
postmodernity, ieis symptomatic?
Or music that deliberately interrogates that condition?
Or music that echoes the kinds of features usually
ascribed to other "postmodern" texts?
Etc, etc.
I think everything from punk to John Cage to pretty much all
hip-hop can be considered postmodern in certain senses. In fact,
I sorta think that if you're listening to anything from within this
postmodern frame we live in, it's then necessarily postmodern,
even Strauss or somesuch.
. . . .Just thought how both Strausses were re-conteuxualized in "2001, A Space
Odyssey", with the sound of the opening bars of Richard's 'Also Sprach
Zarathrustra' forever linked to the film, representing a kind of mock grandeur
on account of the subsequent overexposure/overuse in commercials and other
Used to do a lot of work as recording engineer, often recording early music
ensembleswith "historically informed performances", which in their way are
another sort of recontexutualizing. But the weirdest [and worst] I've
encountered was a S.F. Opera production of Mozart's 'Cosi Fan Tutte'
obviously derived from watching too many episodes of Laverne & Shirley.
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