AtD p. 862 Law of Deterministic Insufficiency

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Apr 20 14:24:37 CDT 2008

  "The other, which,
to avoid ambiguity, may also be called “universal
determinism,” is the doctrine that everything that
happens constitutes a chain of causation, a doctrine
which obviously implies that human history forms part
of such a chain. 
  Universal determinism depends on a concept of
causation that was not generally adopted until after
the seventeenth-century “scientific revolution.” In an-
cient and medieval philosophy, a cause was conceived
simply as that which produces an effect."----Dictionary of 
  the History of Ideas online
  862 Y: "like a card comes up you could never have predicted"
  R:.."if you've been counting them careful enough"...
     Y:.....'perhaps approaching infinity'..............[like the universe, I would think--MK}
  "other possibilities emerge"
  Reminds of all of that anti-behaviorism/Pavloviansm in GR....and with Pointsman,  Slothrop, etc.

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